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HST 201: Spies in the Global Twentieth Century (Fall 2022): Find Books

Finding Books

Go to the Library home page and hit the Books & Media button (lower left). After you have navigated to the search page scroll down a little and find the box that says Catalog Only under Limit Your Results...and check that box! Now you are ready to do some keyword searching.

For ebooks go back to the Library home page and go to the Ebooks & Journals button.

Where is my book?

Found a book in the catalog and wondering where it is in the library? Use this handy Call Number Locations page to find out which floor in the library holds the correct call number ranges for your book. 

Suggested Search Terms

Below are some recommended search terms that you can use when searching the library catalog for books on your research topic. This is not a comprehensive list ,so depending on your research topic, add in search terms of your own.

  • Espionage
  • Espionage, American
  • Espionage, British
  • Espionage, German
  • Espionage, Communist
  • Espionage, Soviet
  • World War, 1914-1918
  • World War, 1939-1945
  • Cold War
  • Vietnam War, 1961-1975
  • Spies
  • Military intelligence

The Book I Need Isn't Available

If the book you're looking for has been checked out, or if the library doesn't own it, you have several options for getting it:

  • MeLCAT: This searches over 450 libraries across the state of Michigan. Requests through MeLCAT can take 1-2 weeks for delivery. 
  • ILLiad: This searches libraries across the country. Requests through ILLiad can take anywhere between 3-14 business days, so be sure to submit your requests with plenty of time. 

Any books that you request through UBorrow, MeLCAT, or ILLiad can be delivered to the Patron Services Desk at the Main Library, where it will be waiting for you for pick up!