Enter the digital museums listed under the tabs to the left to immerse yourself in their digital environments. "Walk around" and view the collections on display.
In recent years, museums have developed immersive tours and exhibits to create a "you are here" experience for the user. This approach can come in several forms. Some have included all locations in the museum in their digital spaces, while other institutions have only crated digital environments for specific exhibit and/or collections. Typically, they have been developed to look like the institution's physical space and how you would see collections if visiting in-person.
This Immersive Tours section is divided into four museum types:
Some of the digital experiences simply use a web browser to interact and may also be available for mobile devices. Some digital experiences an also be accessed using Google Carboard to provide the user with virtual reality (VR) experience. Other digital experiences might require you to activate access to the digital environment by clicking a "Start" icon or similar point of access.
Google's Arts and Culture street view has an extensive list of virtual museums to choose, in addition to the provided list.