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Michigan State University

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Preprint Servers

EngrXiv Preprint Server This is an open archive of engineering preprints.

TechRxiv (pronounced "tech archive") is an open, moderated preprint server for unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related technology. By using TechRxiv, authors can quickly disseminate their work to a wide audience and gain community feedback on a draft version of their research. A preprint is a draft version of an article; final versions of published articles should not be submitted to TechRxiv.  TechRxiv accepts unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and technology. All submissions to TechRxiv are screened prior to acceptance. Submissions are not peer reviewed which means that content is not screened for technical merit, completeness, or novelty. Additionally, submissions are not edited or typeset.  Authors retain copyright and choose from several distribution and reuse options under which to make their preprint available (CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC-SA, or CC0). By posting in TechRxiv, authors explicitly consent to text mining of their work by search engines or researchers.  TechRxiv reserves the right to identify and remove any preprints that contain TechRxiv reserves the right to identify and remove any preprints that contain plagiarized material or describe experimental work that is not performed in accordance with the relevant ethical standards for research using animals or human subjects. Articles suitable for posting to TechRxiv should fall within at least one of these sixteen high-level terms that describe TechRxiv's fields of interest: 

Aerospace, Bioengineering, Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies, Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems, Computing and Processing, Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas, Engineering Profession, Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics, General Topics for Engineers, Geoscience, Nuclear Engineering, Photonics and Electrooptics, Power, Energy and Industry Applications, Robotics and Control Systems, Signal Processing and Analysis, and Transportation.

Institutional Repositiories

An institutional repository is an archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. Wikipedia

Resources for finding Institutional Repositories include:

ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories)
The aim of ROAR is to promote the development of open access by providing timely information about the growth and status of repositories throughout the world.

OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories)
Directory of academic open access repositories.  

Ranking Web of World Repositories