EndNote and EndNote Online Information on EndNote bibliographic software, including a link to free training sessions held at the library.
Zotero An online tool for citation management, formatting, and collaboration. Includes a link to free training sessions.
Mendeley A free reference manager and academic social network. Includes a link to free training sessions held at the library.
Papers A reference manager with features for managing citations and PDFs, searching for and sharing scholarly articles, and adding citations to manuscripts.
Bibcitation A tool for formatting bibliographies in MLA, APA, Chicago, and many other styles.
Citation Wizards From the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: converts to MLA, APA, and CSE (formerly known as (CBE) style.
*Disclaimer: These sites are maintained by third parties outside of the MSU Libraries. Always double-check any citations generated by these sites to ensure accuracy.
FYI: Turabian is the student version of Chicago style.
If you want to talk through citation questions with an actual person, we recommend the following services: