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EndNote & EndNote Online

Information about EndNote, the popular reference manager software program. Last updated: 8/1/24.

EndNote and EndNote Online

EndNote is a reference manager software program that allows you to collect and organize your references and to create bibliographies. It allows you to either type in or capture references from databases. Using EndNote, you can create bibliographies within Microsoft Word. EndNote is able to format bibliographies in almost every conceivable bibliographic citation style, such as APA, Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, Turabian, Science and other journal-specific bibliographic citation styles.

EndNote Online

EndNote Online (also called EndNote Web) is an online version of EndNote. Anyone can sign up for a free Basic account, but some features and functionality are limited. A Premium EndNote Online account is available for free to MSU users through the MSU Libraries subscription to Web of Science, which can be accessed from the electronic resources page.

Benefits of EndNote Online

Besides being free, the major advantage of EndNote Online is that you can access your account from any computer that has an internet connection (as long as you can access the MSU Libraries electronic resources). Many users like to try out EndNote Online to see if it will meet their needs before they purchase the regular EndNote software. With EndNote Online, it is possible to share libraries with other EndNote Online users - making collaboration easy. EndNote Online can also work with EndNote desktop software so you can move references between the two (version 10 or higher).

Current Version

The current version of EndNote is EndNote 21. If you purchases a previous version of EndNote (20 or earlier) you can upgrade to 21 at a reduced price. EndNote offers a full refund within 30 days of purchasing the software.

Note: Some resources linked to from this guide were created for previous versions of EndNote. While there may be differences from the newest version of the software, much of the basic concepts still apply.

Availability at MSU

Copies of the EndNote desktop software can be purchases at the MSU Tech Store, or directly from Clarivate.

Note: Students may purchase a discounted version of EndNote from the third party retailer OnTheHub eStore. You will be asked for proof that you are a student, such as by providing your MSU email address.

Current MSU students, faculty, and staff can access EndNote Online through the Libraries' subscription to Web of Science. Look for the 'EndNote' link in the black bar at the top of the page. Off-campus access to Web of Science requires a MSU NetID and password.

The first time you use EndNote Online through Web of Science you will need to register for a free EndNote Online account. Instructions are provided for creating a new account - please note that there are very specific requirements for creating a password.

EndNote is installed on a small number of computers in the Red Cedar Instruction Room on the 2 West in the Main Library. This room is open for general use when classes are not being held in the space. To use EndNote with Microsoft Word on these computers, you must start EndNote first before opening Word. EndNote stores some files temporarily when it opens that Word needs to have the interconnection. If you do not see the tab for EndNote in Word, run the file at Start > All Programs > MSU Libraries > EndNote Word Plugin to install the plugin.

EndNote Online Basic versus Premium

EndNote Online is available in both Basic and Premium versions. Both are free to sign up for.

EndNote Online Basic allows up to 50,000 references, 2 GB of attachment storage, 21 bibliographic styles, and online searching of 5 databases.

EndNote Online Premium is available to through the MSU Libraries subscription to Web of Science. Premium allows up to 50,000 references, 2 GB of attachment storage, over 4,800 bibliographic styles, and online searching of 1,400 databases. Both versions of EndNote Online have a limited feature set of Cite While You Write, the Microsoft Word plugin.

Need a different citation style in EndNote Online?

If you do not see the citation style you need in EndNote Online, first, be sure you signed up for an account through the MSU Libraries subscription to Web of Science. This gives you access to premium features, including over 4,800 citation styles.

After verifying you are signed into EndNote Online as an MSU user, if you still do not see the citation style you need please contact your subject librarian to discuss available options.

Signing Into EndNote Online

This brief video shows how to sign into EndNote Online through the MSU Libraries. This designates your account as an MSU user and gives you access to extra features, including over 4500 citation styles and over 1800 databases.

Follow these steps to create a new account, or to sign into an existing account that was not created through the MSU Libraries.

EndNote Online Access After Leaving MSU

EndNote Online has a roaming profile feature that allows users to log into EndNote Online from a computer that does not have an authenticated session. Roaming is available if you have EndNote Online Premium through an institutional subscription and does not apply if you have EndNote Online from an EndNote software purchase.

Once users are no longer affiliated with MSU, roaming access for EndNote Online Premium accounts will be valid for 12 months from the date that the user last logged into EndNote Online from an authenticated IP address. You can check the roaming status Options > Subscription after signing into your EndNote Online account. More information abut EndNote Online roaming access is available from the EndNote Online help portal.

Once the roaming period is over your EndNote Online account will revert to the Basic version with reduced storage capacity and other limited features.

It is recommended that users change the email used to sign-in to EndNote Online from their MSU email address to a personal email address before leaving MSU. To change the email address, access your EndNote Online account and click on Options > E-Mail Address.

If you move to another institution with access to Web of Science, please contact EndNote technical support so your existing EndNote Online account can be association to the new institution. 

EndNote App for iPhone and iPad

An EndNote iOS app for the iPhone and iPad is available. More information on the app is available from the EndNote website, and the app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store.

The app is currently available to all users for Free.