EndNote X3 and Later Versions
NOTE: Find Full Text is not currently compatible with MSU's OpenURL resolver through EBSCO. This is a known issue and we are working to identify a solution.
Open EndNote program
- Go to Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
- Check all boxes including ISI Web of Knowledge Full Text Links, DOI (Digital Object Identifier), PubMed Linkout, OpenURL.
- In the 'OpenURL path:' box: replace the default with http://ezproxy.msu.edu/login?url=https://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl?
-Next, in the 'Authenticate with: URL', place: http://ezproxy.msu.edu/login?url=
-Click OK to close the window.
To download full text of citations in a library:
- Open library
- Select references for which you want to find full text
- Go to References > Find Full Text
EndNote does not find and attach ALL full text available using this method. Be prepared to search for full text using the library catalog as well.