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Michigan State University

EndNote & EndNote Online

Information about EndNote, the popular reference manager software program. Last updated: 8/1/24.

EndNote X3 and Later Versions

NOTE: Find Full Text is not currently compatible with MSU's OpenURL resolver through EBSCO. This is a known issue and we are working to identify a solution.

Open EndNote program
- Go to Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
- Check all boxes including ISI Web of Knowledge Full Text Links, DOI (Digital Object Identifier), PubMed Linkout, OpenURL.

- In the 'OpenURL path:' box: replace the default with
-Next, in the 'Authenticate with: URL', place:
-Click OK to close the window.

To download full text of citations in a library:

- Open library
- Select references for which you want to find full text
- Go to References > Find Full Text

EndNote does not find and attach ALL full text available using this method. Be prepared to search for full text using the library catalog as well.

EndNote X2

NOTE: Find Full Text is not currently compatible with MSU's OpenURL resolver through EBSCO. This is a known issue and we are working to identify a solution.

Open EndNote program
- Go to Edit > Preferences > URLs & Links >OpenURL path
- Check the box 'Enable OpenURL'
- In the 'OpenURL path:' box: replace the default with

 If this URL does not work, try
- Do not change the default 'Argument'.
- Click OK and Apply

To download full text of citations in a library:
- Open library
- Select references for which you want to find full text
- Go to References > Find Full Text

EndNote does not find and attach ALL full text available using this method. Be prepared to search for full text using the library catalog as well.