The library webpage looks pretty much the same, but the backend has changed. Here are some links to help you find what you need:
EDS FAQs: Look here first if you run into a problem! These are continually being updated as issues surface and are solved.
Two Minute Tips: These videos are made by the Teaching and Learning department at the library. They're all useful, but these are particularly useful for navigating the new system:
Use the operator AND to find only sources that mention both keywords.
This search will bring back fewer results than searching either keyword on its own.
Use the OR operator to expand your search with additional keywords.
This will find sources that include either word, so you'll see more results than by searching for just one keyword.
Use the “QUOTES” strategy to search for several words in a phrase.
This will bring back results that only use that exact phrase.
Listed below are a few key indexes. Many of the discipline-based indexes, and the large inter-disciplinary indexes such as Proquest and Social Sciences Abstracts, are international in scope and can be found on the Libraries' Databases page.
Prisma and HAPI Online are fully integrated indexes devoted to Latin American studies-- Prisma offers key titles that are indexed in HAPI Online and incorporates HAPI indexing directly into the database. They are produced by different providers using different search algorithms, so results differ. Try both!