The APS Image Database includes nearly 7,000 images from APS PRESS books including peer-reviewed images in the Compendium of Plant Disease Series, covering diseases, pests, and disorders of crops, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, turfgrass, tropical fruits, graphics, trees, pests and diseases.
The University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) has datasets accessible on topics such as forestry, GIS, climate, terrestrial and aquatic plants, animals, and more.
FAOSTAT is an on-line and multilingual database currently containing over 1 million time-series records covering international statistics in the following areas: Production, Trade, Food Balance Sheets, Food Aid Shipments, Fertilizer and Pesticides, Land Use and Irrigation, Forest Products, Fishery Products, Population, Agricultural Machinery.
An unparalleled repository of world-class references, this online library meets the needs of statisticians and researchers employing statistical science across a wide range of disciplines. From Frequentist to Bayesian, biostatistics to finance, this fully searchable collection is the perfect tool for any size analysis on all sorts of data.
To search STATSnetBASE titles, use the “Search” box at the top of the page upon connecting to limit your search to the STATSnetBASE collection.
A searchable database of import and export data from over 130 countries that provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics, detailed by commodity and partner country. For many countries the data coverage starts as far back as 1962 and goes up to the most recent completed year.
Provides statistics and government forecasts covering such topics as resources devoted to research and development, patent families, the technology balance of payments, international trade in highly R&D intensive industries, and research and development (R-D) expenditures.
The 1840 Census was the first to include statistics on agriculture. Since then, each subsequent census has continued to gauge the overall picture of U.S. agriculture. Many of these are available on-line through the U.S. Census Bureau website or here as PDFs. [Site covers 1840-1950, with links to the 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007 reports.]
Forest Service Research & Development (FS R&D) has long recognized the usefulness and importance of archiving and sharing the research data it generates. This recognition has been expressed in Research Station Quality Assurance (QA) Plans, the national QA Implementation Plan, and the Forest Service Manual. The FS Research Data Archive provides an infrastructure and the resources to implement sharing and preserving our research data.
International agricultural market, production and trade data and reports. See also the Global Agricultural Trade System. GATS includes international agricultural, fish, forest and textile products trade statistics dating from the inception of the Harmonized coding system in 1989 to present.
The GOES group is a team of faculty at Michigan State University that work on both scientific research and technology development. The team includes scientists in the fields of forest science, climate science, carbon cycle science, ecology, social science, rural development, and resource economics. Our technical development includes web-enabled geographic information systems, optical and LIDAR remote sensing, image processing, geo-spatial content management systems, and a major focus on MRV systems for carbon monitoring.
HarvestChoice generates knowledge products to help guide strategic investments to improve the well-being of poor people in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through more productive and profitable farming. Products include publications, numeric and GIS datasets on households, markets and production. Includes a Data Rescue Initiative to digitize agricultural census reports and data files from Sub-Saharan Africa.
HarvestChoice mines the latest data sources from global databases, literature, national household surveys and agriculture censuses; using a variety of techniques, cropping system and economic models, statistical analyses, and geospatial tools, HarvestChoice harmonizes data into a standardized, geo-tagged database, informally dubbed the “CELL5M” (a matrix of 5 arc-minute grid cells). Through the newly released HarvestChoice data API, programmers can access our data and methods to describe, query, and aggregate data to suit their own purposes.
The Yearbook "World of organic agriculture" documents recent developments in global organic agriculture. The book has been published annually since 2000. A central part of the book are the organic agricultural statistics, which are collected annually in the frame of the annual survey on organic agriculture worldwide. The project is currently funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and NürnbergMesse.
Data sets consist of tree-ring chronologies, fire event chronologies, climate reconstructions, isotope records, frost ring dates, and more. Physical wood specimens are available for access from our wood archive.