Chronology of the Subject: Emphases/Restrictions
Geology is governed by chronology and event sequencing. It derives a picture of the future and present Earth by looking at the processes and events of the past 4.6 billion years. Since development in the field is advancing rapidly, new research is extremely important, while retaining observations of the past.
Languages of Resources Collected: Exclusions/Emphases/Translations English is the primary language of materials acquired. Materials in other languages are acquired on a case-by-case basis. Many geologic maps of other nations are in the vernacular language and are appropriate to purchase.
Geography of the Subject: emphases/restrictions
Geology is a geographically-dependant science; that is to say, the geology of a given region is usually unique to that area because of the unique set of events and processes that occur in that place over the Earth's history. In general the highest priority is for Michigan, descending in importance with distance from Michigan. Secondary importance is in "geologically significant" areas. An area might be significant for its tectonic arrangement, economic resources (gems, petroleum, etc), stratigraphy, paleontology, mineralogy, or faculty interest. The collection also mirrors an overall MSU emphasis on Africana studies. Geologic works about all world regions are collected to some extent.
Format of the Resources Collected
Electronic format is preferred for periodicals. Monograph publications are mixed between e-books and paper books. Map publications are increasingly purchased in electronic format, with the most desirable situation being both formats. Journal indexes are purchased exclusively in Electronic format, usually via consortial agreements. Films will be considered for purchase when requested by Earth Sciences faculty or students. Adding research data is a potential step for this subject collection. For guidelines see .)
Date of Publication Resources Collected
Mostly current materials are acquired, however historical observations of geologic patterns remain useful. Gaps in serial runs, monographic sets, maps and documents sets regardless of age will be actively pursued, especially for high priority areas such as the Great Lakes and areas of faculty interest.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
We seek out historically underrepresented and marginalized voices, identities, and perspectives to diversify and fill gaps in our collections and participate in dismantling racism, sexism, and other biases. In the field of geology this includes collecting works and supporting research authored by scholars from under-represented minorities and from the global South - when the subject matter matches MSU collecting priorities.