Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Geology

Levels of Collecting Intensity

Accordingly, the collection intensities as defined by Research Libraries' Group (RLG) are listed below for each major grouping of call numbers. As with RLG, Level 1 refers to basic minimal coverage, Level 2 refers to basic and current information suitable for the layperson or basic undergraduate courses, Level 3 refers to instructional support adequate for most graduate research, Level 4 refers to advanced technical research support that is both current and historical, Level 5 refers to a comprehensive level of support where "the aim, if not the achievement, is exhaustiveness". (p. 16, Manual for the North American Inventory of Research Library Collections, Jan., 1985 edition). Please note that bibliographers in other subject areas may collect materials on these same topics at different intensity levels.

LC Class Subject Collection Intensity
GB Geomorphology, Water, Glaciology 4
GC Oceanography 3
HD 9500 Mining Production 2
QE  Geology  
1 Series - varied subjects 3
3-23 History, Biography 2
25-31 Textbooks 2
33 Statistics 3
39 Marine Geology 3
40-61 Computer Modeling 3
65-70 Arctic 2-3
71-79 US by region 3
81-182 US by state 2
  125-126 Michigan 5
  106-106 Illinois 4
  109-110 Indiana 4
  127-128 Minnesota 4
  151-152 Ohio 4
  179-180 Wisconsin 4
185-189 Canada 3
200-258 Mexico, Central and South America 2
260-318 Europe, Asia 2
320-339 Africa 3
340-350 Australia, Pacific, Antarctica 2
351-399 Mineralogy 3
420-499 Petrology 3
500-507 Dynamic and Isotope Geology 3
508-514 Geochronology - Plate Tectonics 3
515-517 Geochemistry 3
520-539 Volcanoes & Geothermics 3
540-545 Earthquakes & Seismology 2
565-566 Coral Reefs 2
571-599 Sedimentology & Glacial Processes 4
601-625 Structural Geology 4
651-699 Stratigraphy 4
700-999 Paleontology 3
S 591-596 Soil Geochemistry & Weathering 3
TD 196-898 Groundwater/Environmental Eng. 3
TN 1-80 Mining, Coal & Petroleum 3
TN 860-890 Oil & Gas 2
TN 900 Salts, Clays, etc 2