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Computer Game Design and Development Resources

Indexes and Databases

The indexes and databases listed below can be used to locate scholarly articles and papers related to computer and video game design and development. 

For information about the gaming industry consider searching some of the Business Indexes and Databases

ACM Digital Library

Is a database containing the full-text of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books with some publications dating back to the 1950's.


Computer Database

Computer Database provides full-text and image articles for a wide variety of research applications, including: Competitive analysis of high tech companies and their products; Research on industry trends in telecommunications, electronics, robotics and more; Research on software and hardware.


Computer Source

Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications.


Directory of Open Access Journals

The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open access journals. Today, this independent database contains over 15 000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Open access journals from all countries and in all languages are welcome to apply for inclusion.  It can also be searched as a database.


EI Village/Compendex

Compendex is one of the most comprehensive engineering literature databases available to engineers with 14 million records across 190 engineering disciplines. Available on Engineering Village, users get results that are consistently accurate. Relevant. Up-to-date. And easy to find. Compendex indexes 1,031 journals that contain articles-in-press. Compendex covers subjects in every engineering discipline including: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mining Engineering.


Google Scholar
A good index to use if you need to find more scholarly information about computer game design and development than you found using the traditional indexes and databases.


IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore contains full text access to the technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.



Find citations for a broad range of scientific literature (including patents) and track, analyze and visualize citations by document, author, zip code, or institution.



SpringerLink is the platform for European based publisher Springer. It provides online access to reference works and other e-books, in addition to their journals in the scientific, technical, and medical fields.


Web of Science

Includes the Institute for Scientific Information Citation Indexes - Arts and Humanities, Social Science, and Science. It indexes science, social sciences, and arts and humanities information from nearly 9,300 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world.