The Parliamentary Debates, known as Hansard after the first government printer, is the official record of what is said on the floor of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The M.S.U. Libraries has bound sets of the Debates from 1660 to December, 1984. Since 1909 there are separate sets for the Commons and for the Lords. Indexing is available by subject for each session within the volumes, in most cases. Here is a list of the historical print sets owned by M.S.U. Libraries with call numbers, in chronological order. The last entry is for an Internet source where current House of Commons and House of Lords Debates may be found, full-text, online.
History and Proceedings of the House of Commons...from the Restoration to the Present Time. [1660-1742/1743]. 1742-1743. J 301 .R12 v. 1-14 Murray and Hong Special Collections
History and Proceedings of the House of Lords...from the Restoration to the Present Time. [1660-1741/1742]. 1743 J 301 .R13 v. 1-8 Murray and Hong Special Collections
A Collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England, 1668-1742. 1741-1742 J 301 .H8 1742 v. 1-21 Murray and Hong Special Collections
The Parliamentary Register or History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of Commons..., 1774-1801. J 301 .H2212 Remote Storage
Woodfall, William. The Parliamentary Register...Debates...Two Houses of Parliament, 1801-1801-1803. 1802-1803. J 301 .H2214 v. 1-4 Remote Storage
[Stockdale's] The Parliamentary Register...Debates...Two Houses of Parliament, 1803/1804. 1803-1808. J 301 .H2215 v. 1-3 Remote Storage
Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Year 1803. 1806-1820. J 301 .H22 v. 1-36 Remote Storage
[Parliamentary Debates.] 1804-1908 J 301 .H222 Remote Storage v. 1-41 (1803-1820); n.s. v. 1-25 (1820-1830); ser. 3 v. 1-356 (18130-1891); ser. 4 v. 1-199 (1892-1908)
The Parliamentary Debates...House of Lords, 1909-1984/1985. 1909-[1985]. J 301 .H223 Ser. 5 v. 2-457 Remote Storage
The Parliamentary Debates...House of Commons, 1909-1980/1981. [1909-1980].J 301 .H224 Ser. 5 v. 1-1000 Remote Storage
The Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, 1980/1981-1984. [198-1984]. J 301 .H224 Ser. 6 v. 1-66 pt. 1 Remote Storage
United Kingdom Parliament World Wide Web Service
A database of Parliamentary full-text material, searchable in its entirety or by type of publication. Has separate pages for House of Commons and House of Lords. In the Commons pages researchers find debates from Nov., 1988 on. The Lords' page leads to their debates from July, 1996.