Baker, Hugh P. Tree studies. Thesis--Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, 1901. Link to electronic copy.
Coletta, James. 2014. Evaluation of native and ornamental plant species for establishment and pollutant capture in bioretention basins. Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State University. Horticulture.
Giles, Richard A. A survey of the indigenous and naturalized, herbaceous flowering plants, exclusive of the grasses and sedges, growing within a ten mile radius of the Michigan state college. Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. Dept. of Botany, 1941.
Krefman, Mark. 1989. Green tree campus of Michigan State University: 1968-1988. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Michigan State University. Dept. of Educational Administration, 1989.
Love, Lyman R. Ornamental trees & shrubs. Thesis--Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, 1896.
Note: This thesis does not state that the seventy tree and shrub species are on campus, but that the herbarium specimens of each are in the Botanical Laboratory. Link to electronic copy.
McCue, Charles A. Study of trees upon the M.A.C. campus as regards their spring activity for 1900. Thesis -- Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, 1901. Link to electronic copy.
Sly, Frances W. Autumn tints of trees & shrubs on the campus. Thesis (B.S.)--Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1902. Link to electronic copy.
Tower, Gordon E. Trees & shrubs of the Michigan agricultural college campus. Thesis--State Agricultural College, 1901. Link to electronic copy.
Valasek, Darlene Marie. 1996. A botanical inventory of Sandhill Woodlot: With emphasis on phenology and comparative aspects of this and other central Michigan woodlots. Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State University. Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, 1996.
Varin, Daniel W., Robert Tojanek, Joseph Prochaska and Sherman Griselle. 1956. Campus master plan, Michigan State University. East Lansing, Mich: Michigan State University, Dept. of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture. Notes: Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Urban Planning 501 ... April 29, 1956."
Washington, Dwight Jonathan. A case study of emotional engagement in a natural area with college sport and recreation student participants. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Michigan State University. Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies, 2013.