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Global Catholicism in the Age of Discovery, 1450-1700: Online Catalog

This is a guide to researching Catholicism around the world in the age of discovery, 1450-1700. Last updated 06-07-2023

Online Catalog

It is possible to do a quick and dirty, one box keyword search starting at the left side of the Libraries' home page.  The results will be sorted into several categories to follow up on:  articles from journals, books/media from our online catalog, databases, library research guides like this one, other.  To do a more traditional search, read on.

Below the general search box, click on Books and Media to search for physical, paper/cloth bound books, paper/cloth bound copies of journals, physical media, such as DVDs or microforms, or individually cataloged electronic items.

In Books and Media, click on the down arrow on the right side of the form where it says "Catalog." Choose the type of search you want to do.  In the box to the right put in your search terms.  Enter author's name either last name, first name or first name last name.  Omit initial articles in book titles; include them as they occur within the book title itself.  To search by L.C. subject heading, it may be better to use the Browse Alphabetically by Subject lower down in the list than Catalog: Subject, because those results will show the surrounding subject headings and number of hits retrieved.  After you receive your results, notice that you can filter them in various ways, by using the facets along the left side of the page.

Advanced Search allows for combination of more than one search aspect, such as author/title, or several keywords on different lines.  Here you can also confine your results to particular parts of our Collections using the Location area on the lower right side.

Below the general search books, click on E Books and Journals to search for journal titles in electronic form or for individual electronic books that will have been received by the library in a package.  You may need to check both Books and Media and E Books and Journals to find your electronic book.

Call numbers can be searched in Books and Media if you have a general or specific call number.  In this way one can browse the shelves of the Main Library from the comfort of home.  Do not space between the letters and the whole number at the beginning.  Examples:  BX3701 (Jesuits). BX1491 (English Catholics). Leave a space after the whole number before the period (which is a decimal point).

Subject headings are standardized words and phrases assigned by catalogers when cataloging library materials.  They are published in the Library of Congress' List of Subject Headings, a large set of red books, located in the Reference collection, first floor East, call number Z 696....  Remember, persons, organizations, companies, places, and events may all be L.C. subjects even though their names are not in the L.C. List...  Subject heading searching usually results in better quality subject retrieval than keyword searching.  When you find a particularly good book by keyword search, try clicking on the subject headings in that entry to be taken to more books on that subject. Examples:  Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556 (for books about him).  Catholic church. Jansenists. Wyandot Indians. Black Legend (Spanish history). Councils and synods. Council of Trent. Brazil. France. China. Jesuits—missions.  Catholic Church—history—16th century.

Some possibly useful subject headings to use in Books and Media Browse Alphabetically by Subject. 

Adrian VI, Pope, 1459-1523
Allen, William, 1532-1594
Anchieta, Jos de, 1534-1597
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint,
Black legend (Spanish history)
Brbeuf, Jean de, Saint, 1593-1649
Catholics, [nationality]
Catholic Church—[place or country]
Catholic Church—catechisms
Catholic Church—clergy—correspondence
Catholic Church—clergy, training of
Catholic Church—[country]
Catholic Church—creeds
Catholic Church—customs and practice
Catholic Church—diplomatic service
Catholic Church—discipline
Catholic Church—doctrines
Catholic Church—doctrines—history
Catholic Church—education
Catholic Church—foreign relations
(between the Church and political jurisdictions)
Catholic Church—history
Catholic Church—history—16th c.
Catholic Church—history—17th c.
Catholic Church—history—modern period, 1500-
Catholic Church—history—societies
Catholic Church—history—sources
Catholic Church—liturgy
Catholic Church—missions
Catholic Church—missions—[place]
Catholic Church—missions—early works to 1800
Catholic Church—missions—societies
Catholic Church—[rites] Oriental, Celtic, Ethiopian, etc.
Catholic Church—periodicals
Catholic Church—prayer-books and devotions
Catholic Church—relations (with other
religions or denominations: Church of England
or Protestants, for example)
Catholic Church—sermons
Catholic Church—societies
Catholic Church and humanism
Catholic converts
Catholic institutions
Catholic learning and scholarship
Catholic nonjurors
Catholic preaching
Catholic schools
Catholic statesmen
Catholic teachers
Catholic theological seminaries
Catholic universities and colleges
Catholic women
Catholics, [nationality]
Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, 1500-1558
Christian heretics
Christian life
Christian martyrdom
Christianity—early works to 1800
Church history—Middle Ages, 600-1500
Church history—modern period, 1500-
Church history—16th c.
Church history—17th c.
[country or place name]—church history
[country or place name]—early works to 1800
[country or place name]—history. (for examples:
India. Asia, Southeastern. Ethiopia. Canada—history—to 1763.
New France. Caribbean, English-speaking. Caribbean, French-speaking.
Caribbean area. Mexico. China. Japan. Brazil. England. France. Etc.)
                   Council of Trent
Councils and synods
Counter Reformation
Death—religious aspects
Devotional literature
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536
Ferrazi, Cecilia, 1609-1684
Ferrer, Vincent, Saint, ca. 1350-1419
Ficino, Marsilio, 1433-1499
Francis I, King of France, 1494-1547
Francis de Sales, Saint, 1567-1622
Francis Xavier, Saint, 1506-1552
Henry VIII, King of England
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556
Indians of North America—Ontario
Iroquois Indians
Jussie, Jeanne de, 1503-1561
Kempis, Thomas, 1380-1471
Marquette, Jacques, 1637-1675
Mary I, Queen of England
Missionaries—training of
Missions, [nationality]
Monasticism and religious orders
Nobili, Roberto de, 1577-1656
Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662
Paul III, Pope, 1468-1549
Pius IV, Pope, 1499-1565
Pius V, Pope, 1504-1572
Pius V, Saint, Pope, 1504-1572
Pole, Reginald, Cardinal, 1500-1558
Press, Catholic
Printing presses
Religious life
Rhodes, Alexandre de, 1591-1660
Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610
Sahagn, Bernardino de, 1499-1590
Savonarola, Girolamo, 1458-1498
Spiritual life
Suffering—religious aspects
Teresa of Avila, Saint, 1515-1582
Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648
Wyandot Indians