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Science Communication Guide

Resources to support the MSU science community in effectively sharing research with the academic, scientific, and public audiences.


As a land-grant institution, MSU is committed to outreach and engagement. According the Office of University Outreach and Engagement, MSU's approach involves, "generating, transmitting, applying, and preserving knowledge for the direct benefit of external audiences."

MSU faculty and researchers may also be required to demonstrated the public impact or broader impacts of their research in accordance with various federal grant requirements.

Below are some resources for scientists to better understand how to engage and communicate with the public. Tabs within this page provide resources for different approaches to public outreach and engagement:

  • Citizen Science
  • Blogging & Podcasting

What Are Broader Impacts?

The National Science Foundation (NSF) evaluates requests for funding based both on intellectual merit and broader impacts. NSF defines broader impacts as, "the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes."

Researchers interested in better understanding broader impacts and how they can support this funding criterion through public engagement with their research may find the following resources helpful:

Science Communication Books & E-books