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Bible Resources: Translations/Versions

The purpose of this guide is to point the way to information sources about the Bible. Last updated 05-23-2023



Covering, in this order, Bible and other online versions, Parallel Bibles, King James Version, Protestant, Evangelical, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin versions, and, lastly, Ancient Texts Related to the Bible

There is also a list of Bible versions in the Religions of the World guide, Sacred Texts section.

To find copies of Bibles in languages other than English do a subject search in online catalog thus: Bible. [language]  Examples: Bible. Latin. Vulgate or Bible. Spanish. 

Biblical Studies on the Internet Remote Storage BS 600.3 .W67 2002 provides some websites for online versions of the Bible.


A tool for reading and researching scripture online. 56 searchable Bible texts, 12 audio Bibles, 13 e-books. 16 translations. 29 languages. Search by passage or keyword. Advanced search mode allows for limiting searches by a particular resource (e.g. Books of Moses), accessing a list of books of the Bible by version, and limiting the number of searches displayed on a page. Also includes Bible commentaries and studies, devotionals, lexicons, and dictionaries.

Virtual Christianity: Bibles

Virtual Christianity: Bibles contains a comprehensive list of on-line Bible web sites with links, in English and other languages. Sections: English Bibles with multiple translations, KJV, RSV, other versions, apocrypha only, and original/ancient language Bibles and Foreign Bibles with multilingual translations and foreign language translations in alphabetical order by language.

Parallel Bibles  (have several translations/versions on facing pages)

Contemporary Parallel Bible : New King James Version, New International Version Reference BS 125 2004

Complete Parallel Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books : New Revised Standard Version, Revised English Bible, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible  Reference and Main BS 125 .B53 1993

Evangelical Parallel New Testament : New King James Version, New International Version, Today's New International Version, New Living Translation, English Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, New Century Version, The Message  Main BS 2095 .K65 2003


King James Version

Bible King James Version [electronic resource]

Holy Bible 1611 Edition, King James Version  Main BS 195  1611 .N37 1982

A word-for word reprint of the first edition of the authorized version.  Uses 17th c. letters and spellings.  This Bible version has had a tremendous impact on the faith of believers and on English language and literature.

Holy Bible : the New King James Version Main BS 185 1982 N37 1982  Online here

"introduces present-day vocabulary [and spellings], pronunciation, and syntax where necessary, but strives to preserve the legacy of the original translators."



New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha  Main BS 191.5 .A1 2001 N49  (New Revised Standard Version)  Online here

"New Revised Staandard Version attempts to be as literal as possible while following standard American English usage. It uses inclusive language 'as far as this can be done without altering passages that reflect the historical situation of ancient patriarchal culture'."

HarperCollins Study Bible : New Revised Standard Version, including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books Main BS 191.5 .A1 2006  Online here

Oxford Annotated Bible, with the Apocrypha Main BS 191 .A1 1965 N4

Holy Bible Revised Standard Version Main BS 191 .A1 1974 N49 1974  Online  here

New Testament in Modern English (J.B. Phillips) Main BS 2095 .P5

"Lively paraphrased, sometimes colloquial to the point of inelegance," by Phillips, "aware that young people no longer understood 'Bible English'."

Living Bible, Paraphrased (Kenneth Taylor) Main BS 550.2 .T38 and 1971

in "very colloquial American idiom... conservative theology."

Good News Bible: the Bible in Today's English Version Main BS 195 .T63 1976

"... suitable for those for whom English is a second language."

New English Bible with the Apocrypha Main BS 192 .A1 1976 N4

"First appears in 1970; the first genuinely new translation by a representative body commanding wide recognition in 20th c."

Revised English Bible with the Apocrypha Main BS 195 .R4 1989 and 1989b

"Revision of the above with improved style and fairly consistent inclusive language."

Bible, Martin Luther Translation

This version of the Luther translation of the Bible is derived from the edition published by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, c1984, and is provided with their permission. It was initially prepared by Jeffrey Triggs of the OED's North American Reading Program and is available through the University of Michigan's Humanities Text Initiative.


NIV Archaeological Study Bible  Main BS 195 .N37 2005B

Has the text but focuses on the historical, literary, and cultural context of the Bible, the history of peoples and places populating its pages, daily life in various periods and under widely diverse circumstances during Biblical times, and ancient texts that illuminate the Bible and the archaeology of the Biblical world.  Articles highlight challenges archaeologists and Biblical scholars face on the critical issue of the trustworthiness of Scripture.  Color illus.  Color maps. Subject guide.  Concordance. Glossary.  Over 500 articles on archaeological sites, cultural and historical notes, ancient peoples, lands and rulers, reliability of the Bible, ancient texts and artifacts.

Holy Bible New International Version  Main BS 195 .I37 1978c  Online here

"... translated by a committee representing the evangelical constituency in North America....  ... reads well in public or in private.... currently the best-selling version in English...."

Holy Bible : English Standard Version  Main BS 195 .E64 2002b  Online here

Blue Letter Bible

Contains 14 searchable versions of the Holy Bible, an encyclopedia, a dictionary, 23 text-based commentaries, and 30 audio/visual commentaries. Also charts, outlines, timelines, maps, four streaming audio versions and over 2,700 hymns (lyrics shown with link to a MIDI file to play music). Compare passages in different versions. This website is one of the 2009 ''Best Free Reference Websites'' described in Reference and User Services Quarterly, 49#1, pp. 43-48.

The NET Bible is a completely new translation of the Bible with 60,932 translators’ notes! It was completed by more than 25 scholars – experts in the original biblical languages – who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.  



Catholic Study Bible  Main BS 192.3 .A1 2006 N49B

New American Bible  Main BS 192.3 .A1 P3  Online here

New American Standard Bible, Study Edition. Main BS 195 .N35 1975b
" more literal than other modern translations."

Jerusalem Bible  Main BS 195 .J4

New Jerusalem Bible Main BS 195 .J4 1985

"derives from the French version edited at the Dominican Ecole Biblique de jerusalem and is based on the original texts."

Douay-Rheims Bible + Challoner Notes

This is a free web site containing The Holy Bible Douay-Rheims Version, with revisions and footnotes (in the text in italics) by Bishop Richard Challoner, 1749-52, taken from a hardcopy of the 1899 Edition by the John Murphy Company.  We have additional paper and online copies of the Douay-Rheims version in the MSU Libraries, for instance, here (paper) and here (online, New Testament only).  To see more possibilities do a keyword search in our online catalog using these words: douay rheims bible.



EOB Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible

As of June 2011, the New Testament is finalized and available; the Old Testament is being worked on for release in 2012. The EOB is a complete Orthodox translation of the Holy Scriptures.  It is based on the Greek text of the Old Testament (Septuagint / LXX) with all major Masoretic and Dead Sea Scroll variants documented in the footnotes. The New Testament is based on the official ecclesiastical text published in 1904 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The main purpose of the EOB is to provide an accurate and easy-to-read English text of the Holy Scriptures that is suitable for use by Orthodox Christian communities and individuals, while providing an outstanding text for scholars.

New English Translation of the Septuagint

NETS is a new translation of the Greek Jewish Scriptures, entitled A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included Under that Title (and abbreviated as NETS). This project is being carried out under the ægis of The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS). The translators are specialists in Septuagint studies. Their translations follow rigorous procedures established by the editors. Oxford University Press publishes the translation. An accompanying commentary series is also planned.


JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh, the Traditional Hebrew Text and the New JPS Translation Second Edition Reference BS 895 .J4 2000

Etz Hayim : Torah and commentary Reference BS 1222 .L54 2001

Text of the Pentateuch in Hebrew and English; commentary in English. Includes the haftarot and commentary on them, p'shat and d'rash commentaries, comments on Conservative halakhic practice, topical essays, and other material. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Jewish Study Bible Main BS 895 .J4 2004

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Main BS 715 1997

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, or bhs, is an edition of the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible as preserved in the Leningrad Codex, and supplemented by masoretic and text-critical notes.

Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text (1917)  Main BS 716

Hebrew Bible, a Translation with Commentary  Main BS 895 .A48 2019 v. 1-3

By Robert Alter, professor of Hebrew at University of California, Berkeley.  "The first single-author literary translation of the complete Hebrew Bible." Contains the Old Testament only.  He "aspires to represent 'biblical narrative prose' in this meticulously cited but clunky translation of the Hebrew Bible from the original ancient Hebrew. Alter begins with his stated goal of translating the Hebrew Bible 'in a language that conveys the semantic nuances and the lively orchestration of literary effects of the Hebrew and at the same time has stylistic and rhythmic integrity as literary English'."


Biblia hebraica, [electronic resource] secundum ultimam editionem SPC BS 715  1832


Greek New Testament: SBL Edition

A recent product sponsored by the Society of Biblical Literature, this work brings together two classic 19th-century scholarly texts of the New Testament, the text behind the NIV (New International Version) and the Byzantine (traditional Eastern) text, noting their variants and convergences, to establish a new critical text that in over 500 instances differs from the UBS/Nestle-Aland text. It is freely downloadable from the link provided here using Logos Bible software.

Reader's Greek New Testament 2nd ed.  Main BS 3.5 2010

Cover calls it Reader's Hebrew and Greek Bible.

UBS Greek New Testament, a Reader's Edition.  Main BS 1965.2 2007

In Greek.  From the United Bible Societies, published in Germany.  A standard edition for the Bible in Greek.  With a short dictionary of definitions in English of Greek words that occur more than 30 times in the New Testament.

Greek New Testament, 4th Rev. ed. Main BS 1965 2012

Greek New Testament Main BS 1965 1966

Rates disputed readings from A to D, indicating the amount of disagreement translators have over particular passages and their translations.


Biblia Sacra : Iuxta Vulgatam Versionem Main BS 75 1983 t. 1-2

The Vulgate is the Latin Bible used in the Western Church from the 7th century.

Vulgate Bible: Douay-Rhemis Translation Main BS 180 2010 v. 1-6

Latin and English on facing pages.  Pentateuch, Historical Books, Poetical Books, Major Prophetical Books, Minor Prophetical Books and Maccabees, so far published.

Ancient Texts Related to the Bible

Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English Main BM 487 .A3 V4 1998

Dead Sea Scrolls : a New Translation Main BM 487 .A3 W5713 1996

Nag Hammadi Library in English Main BT 1390 .C4713 1988

Nag Hammadi Scriptures, the International Edition  Main BT 1391 .A3 2007

Gnostic Scriptures : a New Translation with Annotations and Introductions Main BT 1390 .G494 1995

This section cribbed liberally from “Four Hundred Years Later: the Bible Isn’t What it Used to Be,” by Steve Young, Choice, Dec., 2011, pp. 623-633. It also draws on Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation Main PR 131 .O94 2000, pp. 159-172 which contains succinct info on the history of the Bible in English, translations, and versions through history.