A. Anticipated Future Trends
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and research and new specializations and interdisciplinary, collaborative relationships will require appropriate supporting materials. The efforts of the University Committee on Liberal Learning to set competencies and learning outcomes for scientific literacy may also impact use of the collection.The growing number of online courses, as well as an overall desire for remote access to library resources, will continue to fuel demand for electronic formats of books and journals. Archiving issues, costs, and implications for interlibrary loaning will be major concerns as the Library moves increasingly into the electronic realm.
B. Relationships With Other Resources
1. On Campus Branch or Format Collections, if any.
Materials in the Engineering and Mathematics Libraries help support University general science needs.
2. Regional or Network Resources, if any.
As part of the Michigan Research Libraries Triangle, MSU Libraries maintain reciprocal borrowing agreements with the University of Michigan and Wayne State Libraries. Materials are also obtained via interlibrary loan from CIC and other institutions. The Michigan eLibrary (MeL) is an important supplier for popular and consumer-oriented science and technology titles.
C. Relationship to Resources Treated in Other Policy Statements
More in-depth collecting of science and technology materials is addressed in the policy statements of many scientific disciplines including: