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Michigan State University

Mendeley: Getting Mendeley

Information for Mendeley uses, including citation download assistance, bibliography creation, and tips to make Mendeley a time-saving, citation management tool

Sign Up and Download

To begin using Mendeley, create a free account online and download the Mendeley Desktop. The Mendeley Desktop is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.  There is no limit to how many computers the Mendeley Desktop can be installed on.

Web Importer

Install the Web Importer to directly import references and documents from the web browser.  Once the Web Importer is installed citations are added to Mendeley with a simple click on the bookmark.  A wide variety of sites already support the Web Importer and more are being added.

Go to
Press Ctrl + Shift + B to show the Bookmarks bar under the address bar.
Drag and drop the red Import to Mendeley button into the Bookmarks bar. You can then import page to Mendeley by clicking this link.

If you are on a Mac and using Safari, make sure that the "Add bookmark" is set to "Bookmark Bar," not "Bookmark Menu." See here.

Word Processor Plug-In

A word processor plug-in is available that allows for inserting references into Word or Open Office documents.  To install the plug-in, click on the Tools menu within Mendeley Desktop and select the option for the desired word processor.

Computer Systems

Operating Systems
Windows 7 (x64 and x86), Windows 8.1 (x64 and x86), Windows 10 (x64 and x86)
Mac macOS 10.10 (Yosemite), macOS 10.11 (El Capitan)
Please note: 10.12 (Sierra) is not supported by Qt 5.5.1 however it is supported by Qt 5.9 which we will migrate to soon.
Linux - Ubuntu and Kubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) (x64 and x86), Ubuntu and Kubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) (x64 and x86), Debian Stretch 9 (x64 and x86). For lists of releases see Debian and K/Ubunutu.

Mendeley Web
Safari 5 and newer
Internet Explorer 10 and above
Firefox 6 and newer
Chrome 14 and newer

Please note: javascript and cookies must be enabled.

Mobile App

Mendeley is available as a mobile app for the iPad and iPhone.  It is a free download from the iTunes App Store.

Premium Packages

Paid premium packages are available for Mendeley users who need more storage space or an increased number of group users.