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Mergent Databases Introduction

What are the Mergent Databases?

What are the differences between the databases?

Mergent Intellect has D&B companies. It has basic company information with an easy search interface.

Mergent Online has basic information on public and private U.S. and International companies. It is the equivalent of the current Mergent manuals. It includes company financials, subsidiaries, capital stock (ex. dividends and splits), executive officers, insider traders, SEC filings, company news, company annual reports, competitor information, equity and corporate bond portraits, and industry reports. 

Mergent Horizon is a tab within Mergent Online. It goes much more in depth and is more data rich than Mergent Online. However, it is mostly focused on U.S. companies. It includes much of the same information and more including suppliers, customers, and products/services. Horizon also has the ability to create reports like Merger and Acquisition Scenario Report Builder (what would happen if two different companies were to merge), Competitors by Product Report Builder, and Company Profile Report Builder (highlights a company's products and services and key business relationships). It will also give indepth information on an industry including financial data, performance, companies that are gainers/decliners, and business relationships.

Mergent Archives is made up of historical information for U.S. and International Companies. It is the digitized version of many Moody's/Mergent manual titles: Bank & Finance, Industrial, International, OTC Industrial, Public Utility, Transportation and OTC Unlisted. It is text heavy with information similar to Mergent Online but for companies in the past. It goes back to the early 1900s. It also can have historical annual reports and Key Business Ratios.

Mergent EventsData delivers real-time and historical information about events affecting public U.S. and International corporations. These events include dividend declarations, corporate milestones, and leverage acquisitions. It replaces a number of our print titles including Mergent Dividend Record, Mergent Unit Investment Trusts, and Mergent Bond Record.