We have lots of books about social work and related topics in the Main Library! Most of the collection is located in the Library of Congress Call Number range in the H's and primarily within HM-HV. These books are housed in the Basement of the Main Library.
The best way to search for books by searching the Catalog. Once you find one or two books that match your topic, you can browse in that call number area for additional relevant titles.
If you are not local to East Lansing, you can request books be shipped to your home address. Full details on Distance Delivery here.
All distance requests are made through our ILLiad system.
If the item you are looking for is checked out or the MSU Libraries do not own the item, you may request it from another library (at no charge).
If your book is checked out: Select the "Get This" button next to the item location/status.
If your book is not at the MSU Libraries: Submit an InterLibrary Loan Request through our ILLiad service.
For more information about requesting books visit the Get it @MSU webpage.