Africa through western eyes: manuscript records of traders, travellers, soldiers, missionaries and diplomats in Africa. (Adam Matthew Publications, 1999-) 15 reels Film 28909.
Contents: Notebooks and diaries of Cuthbert Christy, A.R.H. Mann, Nigel Rolars. Philip Louis Tengely, S. Forbes White, James Dick, Arthur Hunter, Frederick Grant Banks, George K. Baskerville, Claude G.H. Sitwell, Arnold Paice, T.O.Fraser, David Livingstone, Charles Du Val, William Craig Napier, John Hawley Glover, & S. M. Rowe; cover Uganda, Nigeria, Congo, East Africa, French Africa, South Africa, Ghana, & Liberia.
Related Guides:
Africa through Western eyes: original manuscripts from the Royal Commonwealth Society Library at Cambridge University Library. Mic DT16.E95A347 2000
For a list of filmed materials, see its "Film catalogue" in Mic. Z2016.G7 1970.
List of Colonial Office Records, preserved in the Public Record Office. (London: HMSO (PRO Lists and indexes, no. XXXVI), ca.1911; NY: Kraus Reprint, 1963). 337 p. Arranged by C.O. number; lists contents of each volume. CD1043.A57 no 36, supplemented by the following:
List of Colonial Office Records: Africa. (NY: Kraus, 1976).
(PRO Lists & indexes. Supplementary series, no. XVI, vol. 1-2). Arranged by country. CD1043.A571, no. 16, v. 1-2.
Pugh, Ralph Bernard. The records of the Colonial and Dominions Offices (London: H.M.S.O. (Public Records Office handbook no. 3), 1964). 119 p. Provides background and an annotated list of record classes (pp. 57-119) arranged by territory. JV1011.P8.
Africa: Confidential print, 1642-1932. 101 reels (C.O. 879). Selected correspondence, memoranda, and other papers relating mainly to Africa for internal use in Colonial Office; begins in 1848, and earlier pieces are very rare. 116 vols. Film 4670.
PRO, List of Colonial Office confidential prints to 1916 (London: H.M.S.O. (P.R.O. handbook, 8), 1965).
Anne Vandenburgh, "A Keyword index to British Colonial Office confidential prints on Africa, 1642-1922," Africana Journal, v. 11, no. 3, 1980, pp. 197-231.
Africa: exploration, etc., 1794 to 1843. 13 reels (C.O.2) 25 vols. 13 reels Film 13924.
PRO Lists & indexes, no. 36, p. 2 & Suppl. ser., no. 16, I:1.
Africa: exploration, etc., 1825-1842. (Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, c1979) (C.O.392) Other title: Exploration and colonization of Africa (1794-1844). Film 13924, reel 14.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, p. 2; Guide: Mic. Z3502 .E9
Cape of Good Hope or Cape Colony. Commissioners of Eastern Inquiry (original correspondence) 1805 to 1830. 9 reels (C.O.414). Papers supplementary to those in C.O.48. 15 vols. Film 8582.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, pp. 91-95 & Suppl. ser., no. 16, I:117.
Cape of Good Hope or Cape Colony (entry books), 1795-1872. 22 reels (C.O.49) 62 vols. Film 7980.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, p. 95.
Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Colony: (indexes to correspondence, 1795-1870). 2 reels (C.O.714/36-40) Film 6327.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, I: 118.
Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Colony: (miscellanea), 1799-1909. 9 reels (C.O.53/45-58). Newspapers, blue books, statistical registers, etc. Film 7981.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, p. 101.
Gold Coast: (Original correspondence), 1753-1756 & 1843-1946. 103 reels (C.O.96/18-175; 1850-1882) Film 7391.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, I: 137-142.
Griqualand, West: (Original correspondence), 1875-1880. 10 reels (C.O.107) 9 vols. Film 7982.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, I: 180.
Kenya sessional papers, 1903-1950. 54 reels (C.O.544) 72 vols. Film 15138.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, I: 212-214.
Lagos: (Original correspondence, 1851-1906). 205 reels (C.O.147) 111b vols. Film 7506.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, I: 218-225.
Mauritius: [Original correspondence, 1778-1943]. 2 reels (C.O.167/34,115-116, 1817) Film 7696.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, pp. 92, 94.
Natal: (Original correspondence), 1846-1910. (C.O. 179) Libr. has vols. 32-73 (1854-1864). 37 reels Film 10558.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 2-3.
Nigeria, Northern. (Original correspondence, 1898-1913). 1898-1906. 66 reels (C.O.446) 53 vols. Film 7505.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 38-40.
Nigeria, Southern Protectorate. (Original correspondence, 1900-1913). 4 reels (C.O. 520/1-32, 35-38, 87, 92, 99 & 107) Film 7697.
PRO List supplement, 2: 46-52.
Nyasaland: miscellanea. 8 reels (C.O.452) 45 vols. Film 14690.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 55-56.
Nyasaland: (Original correspondence, 1904-1943) 207 reels (C.O. 525/1-69a, 70b-169, 170b-176) Film 7131.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 56-63.
For index to nos. 41-139, see U.K. P.R.O., A guide to the contents of Nyasaland papers..., compiled by A.W.C. Msiska (1973). Mic. DT858 .A7 Suppl
(Rhodesia, Northern: original correspondence, 1924-1940) 98 reels (C.O.795) 119 vols. Film 13925.
Johnstone, I. J. A guide to Zimbabwe-related documentation in Britain (Harare: National Archives of Zimbabwe, 1985) folio Mic. CD1048.A35 J65 1985.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 76-79.
(Sierra Leone: Entry books, 1672-1872). 1 reel (C.O.268/5-6, 1794-1813) Film 7698.
PRO Lists and indexes, no. 36, p. 279.
Sudan: Government gazettes, 1907-1917. 3 reels (C.O.675) 2 vols. Film 7699.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 171.
Tanganyika: (Original correspondence, 1916-1939). 191 reels (C.O.691) 176 vols. Film 11206.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2: 173-180.
Uganda. (Original correspondence, 1905-1975). 225 reels (C.O.536) Film 11207.
PRO Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. 16, 2:201-209.
Records of the Foreign Office, 1782-1939 (London: H.M.S.O. (P.R.O. handbook no. 13), 1969). 180 p. Background on organization of F.O. and its records, and an annotated list of record classes arranged according to type of correspondence; no country index. CD1051.A45.
List of Foreign Office records to 1878 preserved in the Public Record Office (London: H.M.S.O. (P.R.O. Lists and indexes, no. LII), 1929; NY: Kraus, 1963). 489 p. CD1043.A57 no. 52 1963. Arranged by place and F.O. number and supplemented by:
List of Foreign Office records, 1879- (PRO Lists and indexes, Supplementary series, no. XIII; NY: Kraus reprint, 1964- ). CD1043.A571 no. 13.
Abyssinia: Correspondence: Confidential print, 1846-1956. 2 reels (F.O.401) 15 vols. (1846-1910) Film 7979.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 1.
Abyssinia: (General correspondence), 1808-1905. 29 reels (F.O.1) 47 vols. Film 6341.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 1.
Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. XIII, 1: 1-2.
Africa: (Confidential print, 1834-1957). 61 reels (F.O.403) 453 vols. (1834-1912) Film 7379.
Africa: (General correspondence), 1825-1905. 84 reels (F.O.2/1-43, 53-56, 65-69, 83-90, 105-108, 117-119, 126-131, 144, 146-151, 167, 207-212, 261-262, 304-309, 468-472, 603, 605-608, 612-615, 669, 671, 745-750, 752-756, 785, 789, 866, 867, 951, 974) 116 vols. Film 7700.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 2
Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. XIII, 1: pp. 3-84.
For a more detailed index to no. 789 & 867, see PRO, A guide to the contents of Nyasaland papers..., compiled by A.W.C. Msiska (1973). Mic. DT858 .A7 Suppl
(Africa: Indexes to general correspondence, 1891-1905). 3 reels (F.O.804/ 29366-29368) 2 vols. Film 7702.
Africa: (Registers of general correspondence: Diplomatic), 1891-1905. 9 reels (F.O.566) Unlisted numbers (1891-1905) Film 7983.
Africa: General correspondence after 1906, 1914-1917. 2 reels (F.O.371) 3 vols. (1882-1884) Film 7701.
Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. XIII, 1: 1.
Complete class list of F.O.371 for 1906-1938 (London: PRO, 1983) 1 reel Film 18222.
Algiers: (Correspondence). Series I, 1814-1897. Series II, 1821- 1867.
8 reels (F.O.111 & F.O.112) Embassy and Consular Archives Film 6324.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, pp. 326a, 327.
Barbary States: (General correspondence before 1906), 1809-1836. 3 reels (F.O.8) 14 vols. Film 6325.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 36.
Barbary States: (Registers (Modern series) and indexes of general correspondence), 1810-1816. 1 reel (F.O.605/32) Film 6326.
Egypt and the Sudan: Confidential print, 1839-1957. 26 reels (F.O.407) 26 vols. (1839-1922) Film 6410.
Egypt: (Correspondence), 1815-1937; 1942-1952. 1 reel (F.O.141) 7 vols. (1841-42) Embassy and Consular Archives Film 6342.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 351.
Egypt: (General correspondence before 1906), 1785-1818. 1 reel (F.O.24) 1 vol. (1785-1796) Film 6343.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 69.
Egypt: (General correspondence after 1906). 12 reels (F.O.371/1-1640, 1906, 1913) Film 6344.
Egypt: Registers (Modern series) and indexes of general correspondence, 1810-1816. 1 reel (F.O.605/62) Film 6345.
Liberia: General correspondence before 1906, 1848-1905. 1 reel (F.O.47) 3 vols. (1848-1850) Film 7704.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, p. 121.
Liberia (1848-1857); Madagascar (1836-1890); & Malta (1810-1816): Registers (Modern series) and indexes of general correspondence. 1 reel (F.O.605/126) Film 7705.
Morocco: (Consulates: Mogador: Miscellanea), 1830-1891. 1 reel (F.O.635/ 3-4, 1856-1891) Embassy and Consular Archives
Lists and indexes, Suppl. ser., no. XIII, 16: 337.
Slave trade: Correspondence...: Confidential print, 1858-1892. 10 reels (F.O.541/1-50, 1858-1886 or 92) Film 7978.
Slave trade: (General correspondence before 1906), 1816-1892. 1169 reels (F.O.84/1-551, 553-612, 614-706, 708-749, 751, 828, 830-1283, 1285-2276)
Correspondence of the Slave Trade Department (to 1872), the Slave Trade correspondence of the Consular and Slave Trade Dept. (1872-1880) and of the Slave Trade & Sanitary Dept. (1880-1882), and of the Africa correspondence of the Consular and African (East & West) Department (1883-1892). Film 6619.
Lists and indexes, no. LII, pp. 267-291.
Supplements 5: 272-343.
Slave trade: (Registers (Modern series) and indexes of the general correspondence), 1845-1890. 11 reels (F.O.605/187-195) Film 7703.
Tripoli. Correspondence, 1752-1911. 2 reels (F.O.160) 7 vols. (1841-42) Film 9576.
Tunis: (Registers (Modern series) and indexes of general correspondence), 1836-1876. 1 reel (F.O.605/218-219) 2 vols. Film 6347.
War Office books, military reports, and information precis for British Africa, 1867-1912, from the Ministry of Defence Library, Whitehall. War Office, 1867-1912. 50 parts; 136 fiche. Microfiche DT11.W3
Annual reports and sermons, 1701-1844 (East Ardsley, England: Micro Methods, 1970) 7 reels Film 20058.
Quaque, Philip, d. 1811. Letters of the Rev. Philip Quaque of West Africa. (Micro Methods, 1972) 1 reel Film 10847.
South African missionary archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1820-1900 (East Ardsley, Wakefield (West) Yorkshire: EP Group of Companies, 1972) 1 reel Film 22091.
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Gold Coast records, 1753-1933. (Wakefield, England: EP Microfilm, 1973) 12 reels Film 12180.
SPG Missionary records (London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1937) 2 v. Contains records of work by Keith George in the Boston, Mass. area and Thomas Thompson's work with people in Guinea. Film 19791.
Catholic colonial missions, 1821-1825 (East Ardsley, England: Micro Methods, 198?) 2 reels Letters relating to Gibraltar, Cape of Good Hope, and Mauritius. Film 20057.
Related Guides:
Pearson, J. D. (comp.). A Guide to manuscripts and documents in the British Isles relating to Africa (London: Mansell, 1993-94). 2 v.. CD1048.A3M36 1993.
Thurston, Anne. Guide to Archives and Manuscripts Relating to Kenya and East Africa in the United Kingdom (London: Hans Zell Publishers, 1991) Afr. DT433.557.T478 1991.