Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Art Library Collection

Levels of Collecting Intensity

(Using WLN/OCLC Conspectus)


0) Out-of-Scope, not collected
1) Minimal information level
1a) Minimal information level, uneven coverage
1b) Minimal information level, focused coverage
2) Basic information level
2a) Basic information level, introductory
2b) Basic information level, advanced
3) Study or instructional support level
3a) Basic study or instructional support level
3b) Intermediate study or instructional support level
3c) Advanced study or instructional support level
4) Research level
5) Comprehensive level

Call Number Range Subject Level
N1-N9165 Visual Arts 3c
NA1-NA9425 Architecture 3b
NB1-NB1950 Sculpture 3c
NC1-NC1940 Drawing, Design, Illustration 3c
ND25-3416 Painting 3c
NE1-NE2890 Print Media 3c
NK1-NK9955 Decorative Arts, Applied Arts,
Decoration, Ornament
NX1-820 Arts in General 2b
TR1-835, 925-1050* Photography 3b

*TR845-899 represents Cinematography and Motion Pictures. The Film Studies Bibliographer collects in this area.