The Urban Institute publishes reports on Cultural Vitality Indicators in order to better understand the impact of arts and culture and the health of communities.
The National Endowment for the Arts funds research that investigates the impact of the creative economy. For example:
Americans for the Arts maintains a Research Hub, providing access to reports that "make a strong case for the arts and demonstrate their economic, social, and educational benefits."
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development publishes the Creative Economy Report, providing a global perspective.
Table Dh381-387 - National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities–appropriations, grants, awards, and gifts: 1966–1999 from Historical Statistics of the United States.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - includes for example: Actors, Producers, and Directors; Artists and Related Workers; Dancers and Choreographers; Musicians, Singers, and Related Workers