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Michigan State University

Statistical Resources for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Selected Compilations in Print


Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean.  Santiago, Chile: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1986- .
[HA931 .U5 Main Stacks. Latest edition at MSU Reference Desk, 1 Center]
Also online


Economic and Social Progress in Latin America. 
[HG3881 .I45 A3 Main Stacks]

Thematic reports, produced by the Inter-American Development Bank. Ceased after 2008 edition.

International Historical Statistics: the Americas, 1750-2005.   6th ed., 2007.
[HA175 .M55 2007 MSU Reference Desk, 1 Center; earlier editions in Main Stacks]

Statistical Abstract of Latin America
[HA931 .S75 Main Stacks]

Begun in 1950s; last volume published was in 2002. Catalog record here.


Ask Mary Jo Zeter,
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Bibliographer