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Statistical Resources for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Portals to Statistical Data

Selected Portals to Latin American Statistical Data

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL)
Includes the Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean for the years1997-2020, the Demographic Observatory (formerly the Demographic Bulletin), and other reports and surveys. ECLAC is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations.

The first issue (April 2006) of this ECLAC/CEPAL publication provides census data for foreign-born populations in most Latin American countries. Bilingual Spanish and English. Formerly published under the title of Demographic Bulletin, noted in the entry above.

Latin American and the Caribbean: Selected Economic and Social Data  (via MSU Library catalog record)
From USAID. Anual development statistics.

Inter-American Development Bank
IDB books, working papers, policy briefs and more.

Numbers for Development
Developed by IDB, this tool utilizes publicly available indicators related to governance. Users can easily produce cross-national comparative and time series graphs and tables for immediate printing or for export to standard office software.

Political Database of the Americas (Georgetown University)
Provides information about institutions and political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region. Includes current and historical election results for the countries of the Americas.

Statistics Directory on LANIC
An archival and research resource, not updated since July 2015. Links to the Web sites of national statistical bureaus and other producers, especially central banks.

Selected Sources for Trade Statistics

UN International Trade Statistics Yearbook can be found via UNComtrade

 Europa World

Some trade stats, like annual trade by partner and commodities, are also incorporated into the Europa World info for each country.  For example, see entry for Venezuela. Europa World covers political and economic information on over 250 countries, plus international organizations.

[This licensed resource is limited to 4 simultaneous users.

World Trade Organization (WTO)



World Bank Databases

World Bank Open Data includes two key resources, World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance.

OECD Statistics

OECD iLibrary Statistics is a subscription resource. Build tables and graphs with the databases or copy and paste key tables directly into reports."Statistical Books" is an archive of data back to 1998.

Latin American Mortality Database

LAMBdA - compiles data from many sources and covers 1848-2014. Free but requires registration.


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Janette Núñez
(517) 884-6379