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Michigan State University

Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections: Research Guide & Digitized Volumes: Indexes Created By the Society

These indexes "are largely of the author and title type with some subject entries." Classified finding list of the collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society., p. [1]


  • Index to the Reports and Collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society Vols. I-XV, 1874-1890.(Published in 1904)

    612 pages
    "The original plan was to have the first thirty volumes indexed, but the magnitude of the work made it necessary to divide it into two volumes...the volumes having been indexed page by page and inaccuracies in the original text corrected so far as possible." Preface.
  • Index to the Reports and Collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society Vols. 16-30, 1890-1906.(Published in 1907)

    554 pages.
    "The [cumulated] table of contents which appears in this volume indicates the more important papers which are included in volumes 1 to 30 of the collections of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society.
    "Errors which have been found in the index to volumes 1 to 30 have been corrected in this volume." Preface.
  • "List of Subjects, Authors, and Illustrations, Volumes 1 to 39 [1876-1915], Inclusive."

    Appeared in Volume 39 (1915), pages 459-582.
    "Pending the preparation of a consolidated index to the 30 volumes of the Collections, this list of subjects and authors have been made. In the arrangement of the work it has seemed advisable to make an index of subjects as well as titles. For practical purposes the present work will be found valuable in cases where names are not the object of the search, and where the searcher is reasonably familiar with the subject he is investigating, so that he has some knowledge of where the his material is likely to be found."