We use periodical indexes to find articles within scholarly journals. The online catalog shows which journals we have, but not what is within them; for this we use periodical indexes. Both keyword and subject heading/term searches are possible. For best quality retrieval, learn to look up the appropriate subject terms, akin to subject headings in the online catalog. Each database works differently.
Middle East, Abstracts and Index Main DS 41 .M44
A print index. Annual volumes with abstracts of major English-language journal articles. Also includes editorials, research reports, press releases, annual reports, speeches, statements, interviews, news conferences, doctoral dissertations and some theses, statistics, and current monographs. Arranged by region—Near East, Central–Inner Asia (includes Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia), Africa (Maghreb-Sahel-Horn)—with regional issues as first topic and then organized by country. From v. 20 (1997) includes an additional annual volumes on special topics with distinctive titles, including women in the Middle East and North Africa; oil, natural gas and petrochemical industries in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa; women in sub-Saharan Africa; refugees; oil, natural gas and petrochemical industries; Al-Qaeda and jihad movement worldwide. Author, corporate, named persons, subject indexes. Our subscription stopped in 2006.
Muslim Studies Resources: Find Articles
Has some indexes not listed here that might be helpful.