Alumni directory / Michigan State University Alumni Association. White Plains, N.Y. : Bernard C. Harris Pub. Co., c1999- . LD3245.M21 D6
Michigan State University alumni varsity lettermen; directory. Compiled and edited by L.L. Frimodig. East Lansing, Mich., 1965. GV691.M48 F72
Student Directory. East Lansing : Michigan State University, 1962-2002/2003. LD3245.M10
Directory of students. East Lansing : Michigan State University, 1956-1962. LD3245.M10
Student directory. East Lansing : Michigan State College, 1939-1948. LD3245.M10
Faculty and staff directory. East Lansing, Mich : Office of the Registrar, 1962 -- . LD3245.M10 F3
Directory of faculty-staff. East Lansing : Michigan State University, 1955-1960. LD3245.M10 F3
Directory. Michigan State College. 1925-1938. (Faculty, staff, students) LD3245.M10
Directory of Foreign Scholars and Students. (Title varies) 1966-1968 LD3245.M10 F6
Faculty/staff directory information from 2015 to the present-day is available through the Spartan Archive (MSU login required).
Select copies of the faculty/staff and student directories, and international student directories digitized by MSU Archives are available online.
Early lists of graduates and faculty:
Catalogue of officers and graduates of the Michigan State Agricultural College. 1873 in Hathi Trust
General catalogue of officers and students, 1857-1900. / Michigan State Agricultural College. Available in HathiTrust
Catalog, officers and graduates of the Michigan agricultural college for the years 1857-1916 (inclusive), together with other information of general interest. 2 copies in Main LD3245 .M23 1916, also in Hathi Trust
List of graduates, officers, and professors of the faculties, 1857 - 1930 : alumni catalogue number. [East Lansing, Mich.] : [The College], 1931. LD3245.M23 1930, also in Hathi Trust