MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO Interface)
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920s and contains millions of citations from journals and series, as well as book publishers. Search for information about a film by typing in the film title and clicking the down arrow and pasting TI Title into the box next to the search line where it says "Select a field (optional)." OR. Click on the word "Thesaurus" in the blue bar at the screen top near the left end. In the Browse box type in: French film. Click on the Browse button. Then choose French film from the list that appears by clicking in the box next to it. Then click on the Add button, which pastes this descriptor into the search box above. Click search. If you would like more results to look through go back to the Thesaurus and browse for the word: film. Add and Search that. Then, in the Thesaurus browse for the word: France. Add and Search that. THEN. Click on Search history, which is below the search box lines. At the left of the screen click a check mark beside each result and click on "Search with and".
Le Monde 1944-2000 French newspaper
Free Access to Pascal (Science) and Francis (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Do simple and advanced searches, classification searches (subject scheme), on this now freely available database from the French Scientific Information Dept. of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Francis is the database for social sciences and humanities materials. Indexes materials in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish from journals, conference proceedings, dissertations. Covers materials indexed in Francis from 1972-2015, 2 million items. Do your search. Then look up the journal name, conference, dissertation in our online catalog for access. If we don't have it, request ILL.
Persee is a digital library of open access, mostly French-language scholarly journals, established by the Ministry of National Education of France in 2005. It is maintained by the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, and University of Lyon. It is one of the largest Francophone portals dedicated to human and social sciences, offering c. 600,000 freely available documents.
Film Review Annual Consulting Reference 1 East PN 1995 .F463 [year]
1981-2002, an annual that provides directory information for the films it covers, plus the full-texts of 4-6 reviews of it, taken from Sight and Sound, Los Angeles Times, New York, New York Post, Newsday, Village Voice, New Statesman, Time. Occasionally a few more citations to reviews of the films are also given.
Cahiers du Cinema Main PN 1993 .C3 [1959-] with recent issues in Popular Journals and Magazines, 2 West
This is the most famous French film periodical, known since 1951 for its provocative and influential film criticism. In addition to extensive coverage of French film, the cinemas of Europe, America, and the developing world receive treatment from various ideological perspectives. Each issue feature several lengthy reviews, written by and directed to literate cineastes. Full-color photos and stills fill the magazine.
Telerama NX 1 .T45 Remote Storage, with recent issues in Popular Journals and Magazines, 2 West
A weekly French cultural and television magazine published in Paris, France. The name is a contraction of its earlier title: Télévision-Radio-Cinéma.