Users' Guide to the Medical Literature - The definitive tome for those who want more. A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice presents the sophisticated concepts of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in unique ways that can be used to determine diagnosis, decide optimal therapy, and predict prognosis. It also offers in-depth expansion of methodology, statistics, and cost issues that emerge in medical research.
Evidence-Based Medicine - A selective list of additional EBM websites developed and maintained by Duke University Medical Center Library.
UIC Evidence Based Medicine Guide - A comprehensive guide to evidence based medicine created by the University of Illinois at Chicago University Library.
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford University) - The Centre promotes evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to anyone who wants to make use of them. Includes the EBM Toolbox, an assortment of materials which are very useful for practitioners of EBM, and EBM Teaching Materials, including PowerPoint presentations.
Evidence Based Medicine Tutorials
Understanding Health Research - an excellent website with interactive tutorials on ciritically examining medical literature.