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Sociology Resources: Data & Statistics

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US Data

General Statistics

Census and other Demographic Data

Health Data

International Data

Research Data at the MSU Libraries

Research Data

Thinking ahead...will you use quantitative research methods in your thesis or dissertation?

The library can assist you in locating data sets for secondary analysis.

When you write your thesis or dissertation you may conduct your own study and collect original data, or you may want to analyze pre-existing data---especially public data from a government program or survey.

Important Resources

Library Data Services
Michigan State University Library Data Services assists faculty, staff and students identify and access numeric data sets for secondary research analysis, primarily in the social sciences.

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
ICPSR is the world's largest social science data archive.  It is one of the best places to start looking for a data set, especially for survey and governmental data.  MSU maintains a membership which allows students and faculty to download data sets and use other online tools by registering with your email address.

Statistical Consulting

Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT)

The MSU Center for Statistical Training and Consulting is a professional service and research unit at Michigan State University. Our aim is to support research and provide training, grant development, and consulting in statistics for faculty, staff, and graduate students.