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Michigan State University


An Introduction to Covidence at MSU


The "Settings" will allow you to adjust much of the way your review functions.

There are five main settings:

  • Review Settings
    • This will let you edit and adjust the settings of the review itself, including the title, description, search strategy, date search was last ran, and determine if one or two reviewers are needed for each stage of the review.
  • Reviewers
    • This is where you can add and invite reviewers to your review. Reviewers do not have to be MSU affiliates, but they may have trouble accessing any full text that requires a MSU NetID/login. 
  • Team Settings
    • You can adjust the settings for the stages of the review, including who can access which steps of the review. It will also show you the progress for each reviewer in reviewing titles/abstracts, full text, and extraction.
  • Criteria & Exclusion Reasons
    • This is where you'll add in inclusion and exclusion criteria for screening and full text review. When you exclude a reference in full text, you'll need to add a reason for exclusion. This is also where you can manage highlights that have been made for any of the references.
  • Study Tags
    • You can create tags for the references/studies in your Covidence library. You can do this while you're reviewing, or you can add them from the Settings.