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Michigan State University

Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering: Article Research

This guide provides key resources for researching biosystems and agricultural engineering topics, including bioenergy, food safety and quality sensors, water quality, sustainable ecosystems, resource conservation, and biosensors.

Articles - Refresher

  • Articles contain the most current information published in a field of study. The Library Catalog contains the journal titles to all of the print and electronic format journals to which we subscribe.  The Catalog does not list the articles within the journals.  Articles are in article databases.
  • Most professors and researchers prefer articles that are "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" in nature.  The table located here: Popular vs. Scholarly Periodicals describe characteristics of scholarly journals to help you make the distinction.
  • If you are still uncertain about the scholarly nature of a journal, you all look up the title or ISSN in the periodical database Ulrichs Periodical Directory (UlrichsWeb).  This database will tell you about the journal including the nature, it's audience, and in which databases it is indexed and abstracted.

Citation Search

Citation searching

  • If you have a citation to an article, the easiest way to locate the article is to look up the title of the article using SearchPlus. You may want to enclose the title in quotes [" "], and possibly include the title of the journal also.
  • Another way to locate the article is to look up the title of the journal in the catalog
    • Identify whether we own the journal and the format, print or electronic. 
    • If in electronic format, do we have that year/volume? If yes, you can click on the link provided to go directly to the online articles and find the one you need. 
    • If it is not online, do we have it in print?  If so, identify the call number and go to the stacks to find the proper volume and issue.  If we do not own the journal or issue, you can request the article through Interlibrary Services.
  • DOI Search: DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier.
    • If you have a DOI to an article, the easiest way to locate the article is to look up the title of the article using SearchPlus.
    • OR: Go to the DOI system link resolver page and use their lookup service []
    • OR: Google the entire DOI phrase "doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2009.07.002" You will then be taken to the webpage for the article on the publisher's website. Important!  The full-text of the article will only be available if the publisher recognizes that you are an MSU student and if we have a subscription to the journal.

Requesting Articles

If you need an article that is not fully available through the MSU Library online databases or in print, place an ILLIAD request.

ILLIAD is the traditional Interlibrary loan system for articles, books, government documents, and other materials not held at MSU Libraries.  For questions about ILLIAD and placing requests, please consult the ILLIAD FAQs. First-time requestors will need to register and create a password, about a 1-2 minute process, following which you can begin immediately to place requests.

Article Databases

ASABE Technical Library Contents - a cursory title list to many of the titles available in this database

Additional Databases