Census Bureau - Business & Industry - Data by Geography
List of U.S. Census Bureau programs and surveys that provide state-level statistics. For example: Economic Census, County Business Patterns and Local Employment Dynamics.
Michigan Department of Treasury
Reports on revenues, taxes and the economy.
Senate Fiscal Agency
Look under "Data" for revenue and economic statistics.
Michigan Economic Indicators
A monthly newsletter on key economic indicators.
Print copies available in Government Documents, Michigan Documents Collection at HC107.M5 M535.
Economic Profiles
Michigan at the Millennium: a benchmark and analysis of its fiscal and economic structure
This reference book provides a comprehensive overview of Michigan economic, financial and governmental programs and trends. Includes many statistical tables.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Michigan Economic Profiler
This tool is provided by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. It provides county level data on general characteristics, the economy, quality of life, municipal services, certified business parks and renaissance zones.
The Michigan Economy, 1989-2002
Data on employment, income, inflation, population, research & development, new and expanded facilities, business investment, high-tech employment and venture capital in Michigan.
Michigan State University Center for Community & Economic Development
Publishes technical and research reports that contain statistical information, particularly those dealing with Knowledge Economy Indicators. For example: An Aseessment of the Knowledge Economy in Northern Michigan and the Eastern Upper Peninsula (2009), Metropolitan Michigan Knowledge Economy Indicators (2005).
Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments
SEMCOG is a membership organization of local governments in the counties of Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne. Data and maps are provided for the area including community profiles with statistics on people, economy and jobs, housing, transportation and land use.
The State Economic Handbook 2008
Key economic, demographic, and political information for each of America's 50 states. State Rankings section at end of the book. Tables include demographic and socioeconomic profile, workforce and industry profile, taxes and business climate, voting behavior and elected officials, business and economic agencies.
State of Michigan Cities: an index of urban prosperity (2007)
Statistics on economic conditions and population from the Michigan State University Land Policy Consortium.
Status of Michigan Cities: an index of urban wellbeing (2002)
Global Edge - Michigan Trade Information
Includes information on foreign direct investments, exports, impact of trade, foreign consular offices, and foreign trade zones.
Statemaster.com - Michigan Trade Statistics
TradeStats Express
Provides state export data and national trade data.
Michigan Foreclosure Response Toolkit - Section 6: Michigan Historical Foreclosure Data
"Trends on residential foreclosures, delinquency, Real Estate Owned (REO) properties, underwater homes and time properties remain in foreclosure are provided for each county where available. The project also explores the trends between urban and rural counties in Michigan. It is our hope that communities will use this data to launch or enhance local foreclosure response efforts."
Michigan Historical Residential Foreclosure Data Report
A project of the Michigan Foreclosure Task Force. Statistics by county on urban/rural county classification, monthly average percentage of mortgages foreclosured, percent change in state equalized values, and some additional variables. Charts and maps available with county profiles from 2005-2010. Source data from CoreLogic.
Statewide Tax Foreclosure Data
Table in PDF format showing tax foreclosure statistics from 2005 forfeitures - 2011 foreclosures by county from the Michigan Department of Treasury.