Note: Beginning June 1, 2021, users of NCBI services will need to login with their MSU Net ID instead of a NCBI-generated account. The NLM has more information about this change and how to link your existing NCBI account with your MSU Net ID. A Microsoft Word document containing step by step instructions is avaialble for download.
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CINAHL is the online version of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. It provides indexing for over 3,000 nursing, allied health, biomedical, and consumer health journals. Additional items indexed include nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals, and book chapters. Evidence Based Care Sheets and Quick Lessons are also included.
To find a particular journal, enter the journal title into the Books & Media search.
The results will show whether or not the library subscribes to the journal and has the issue that you need, in a print or digital format.
If the article you need is only available in print, or if MSU does not subscribe to the journal, you can request the article via Interlibrary Services.
If MSU has the article in print, select the "Request a Chapter/Article Scan" under the "Items Owned by MSU" tab.
If MSU does not subscribe to the journal, click on the "Request a Chapter/Article Scan" on the "ILL Services" tab.