A compilation of statistical resources related to Asian Americans.
ProQuest Statistical Insight. 1973-present. Provides abstracting, indexing, and full text for publications from hundreds of public domain and licensed sources. Institutions can subscribe to the entire collection or to selected modules.
The Asian Databook : Detailed Statistics and Rankings on the Asian and Pacific Islander Population, Including 23 Ethnic Backgrounds from Bangladeshi to Vietnamese, for 1,883 U.S. Counties and Cities / [editor, David Garoogian]. Millerton, NY : Grey House Pub., c2005. 2274pp. Reference Desk E184.A75 A75 2005 : This reference text provides statistics on 14 topics for people of 23 different Asian and Pacific Islander national origins in the U.S. adapted from data from Census 2000, Summary File 4. The data is presented in statistical tables and ranking charts . The tables are alphabetically arranged by state, county, and city within each county, where cities contain over 49,999 or have a 3.61% Asian population (the national average). Topics covered in the statistical tables include overall population, median age, average household size, English spoken at home, foreign born, educational attainment, income and poverty, housing, and cost of housing. The same topics found in the statistical tables are then arranged into ranking tables that list the top 7 5 counties and the top 75 cities for each in order of percent, with each topic broken down by Asian ethnic group.
The Asian Population : 2000 (Census 2000 Brief). Feb. 2002.
A Community of Contrasts : Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Asian American Justice Center, 2006.
A Community of Contrasts : Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Asian American Justice Center, 2011.
A Community of Contrasts: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in the Midwest. Asian American Justice Center, 2011. Includes statistics about Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and the Twin Cities metropolitan areas as well as the state of Wisconsin.
Facts on the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population. A compilation of data from the Census Bureau.
Facts on the Asian Population. A portal to resources compiled by the Census Bureau.
Statistical Record of Asian Americans / Susan B. Gall and Timothy L. Gall, editors. Detroit : Gale Research Inc., c1993. 796pp. Main Library E184.O6 S73 1993 : Compiles data on the "American and Canadian Asian and Pacific Islander population segments. Hundreds of tables (1,857 altogether) and vast numbers of figures are provided. More than just governmental sources were used to locate data: periodicals, newspapers, popular trade books, and organizational publications are the basis for some of the tables. Data are both historical and contemporary/current; however, much of the 1990 census was not available for perusal, and additional problems faced by the editorial teams are explained. Topics covered in Asian Americans include attitudes and opinions; business and government; crime, law enforcement, and civil rights; education; employment; health; immigration; income, spending, and wealth; population and vital statistics; and religion. Regarding depth of coverage, these volumes put the Statistical Abstract of the United States to shame.
Who We Are. Asians / by the New Strategist editors. Ithaca, N.Y. : New Strategist Publications, Inc., c2007. 233pp. Main Library E184.A75 W48 2007 : This book gives you the opportunity to discover and become familiar with the rapidly growing Asian population and its many unique characteristics. In addition to detailed estimates of the numbers of Asians nationally and by state and metropolitan area, Who We Are: Asians includes the latest socioeconomic data on the Asian population. It has detailed spending data for Asian households, a recent addition to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Survey. Results from the American Time Use Survey are also presented, profiling Asian time use and comparing it to the averages. While the government collected the data in Who We Are: Asians, the tables are not reprints from government reports. Instead, New Strategist’s editors spent hundreds of hours scouring web sites, compiling numbers into meaningful statistics, and creating tables with calculations revealing the trends. New Strategist has done the work for you, delving into the data and providing analysis and comparisons, placing the important information about Asians at your fingertips.
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