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Eighteenth-Century Studies: Online Resources: 7. British literature

This is a guide to both free web sites and electronic primary resources we have purchased or subscribe to on/about the long 18th century. Last updated 06-05-2023

7. British literature

Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage

Contains the Larpent Collection from the Huntington Library, including every play submitted for license from 1737-1824.  Also hundreds of documents that provide social context, such as playbills, correspondence of major theatrical figures, set designs, actor portraits, financial and legal documents surround the business of theaters and two fully searchable, essential, multi-volume, formerly only print directories: The London Stage 1660-1800 and A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1600-1800.

Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts

Contains some 1100 pages of fiction written in Jane Austen’s own hand. Unlike the famous printed novels, all published in a short span between 1811 and 1818, these manuscripts trace Jane Austen’s development as a writer from childhood to the year of her death; that is, from 1787 (aged 11 or 12) to 1817 (aged 41).  These pages represent one of the earliest collections of creative writings in the author’s hand to survive for a British novelist.