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Eighteenth-Century Studies: Online Resources: l1. Slavery and Afro-Americana

This is a guide to both free web sites and electronic primary resources we have purchased or subscribe to on/about the long 18th century. Last updated 06-05-2023

ll. Slavery and Afro-Americana

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Database on CD-ROM contains the records of 27,233 transatlantic slave ship voyages made between 1595 and 1866 from all over Europe. The disk contains software that allows users to process data by the time periods and geographic regions of their choice. It also permits the downloading of data in SPSS format for use in other programs. Interactive maps that allow users to establish the structure of transatlantic connections are also included. The accompanying data set contains incomplete data for 226 fields of information for each voyage.  This resource is on CD with call number HT 1322 .T74 1999 in the Digital and Multimedia unit (DMC), 4th floor, West Wing.