The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is a full-text indexed collection of classic American and English literature as well as Western philosophy in the public domain and written or translated into English. Texts can be viewed as HTML or plain text, or they can be downloaded in forms including Newton Paperback, PalmPilot DOC or eReader, PDF, Rocket eBook, or raw TEI/XML.
Blackwell Reference Online: Philosophy contains online versions of authoritative reference publications including handbooks and companion volumes to individual philosophers and important philosophical texts.
- Encyclopedia of Bioethics contains entries on topics related to ethical issues in the health sciences, animal research, and population and environmental issues. It is fully searchable and has a browsable table of contents and index.
- The Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy examines the philosophical and ethical issues underlying contemporary and historical environmental issues, policies, and debates. Topics include global warming, animal rights, environmental movements, alternative energy, green chemistry, industrial ecology, and eco-sabotage.
- The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2006) expands and updates the 1967 edition and its supplements. With many long, comprehensive entries and guides to further reading, this 10 volume set covers philosophers and philosophical topics from around the world.
- The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric bring together expertise in classical studies, philosophy, literature, literary theory, cultural studies, speech, communications and performance studies in a comprehensive treatment of the art of persuasion.
The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics covers the professional ethics of science and technology and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics 4v, 2005.
Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and artists from ancient times to present. 3v, 2009.
The International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is a forum in bioethics for feminist thought and debate.
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a web-based encyclopedia of philosophy terms and concepts with extensive articles written, edited and reviewed by experts.
- The Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center is a great resource for comparing and analyzing arguments in some of the most important contemporary social debates. It is a database covering a variety of social issues including gun control, genetic engineering, censorship, abortion, and terrorism. This resource contains articles from the popular Greenhaven Press series Opposing Viewpoints, At Issue, Current Controversies, and Contemporary Issues Companion Series, as well as statistics, biographies of social activists, court cases, profiles of special interest groups and more.
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy is an encyclopedia with over 2,000 entries covering all areas of philosophy. This is an online, searchable version of an Oxford University Press reference book.
- Oxford Companion to the Mind is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of important aspects of mind, brain and consciousness. It includes 900 entries of interest in the areas of psychology, cognitive science and philosophy.
- The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy is an online searchable dictionary of philosophy terms and concepts including relevant terms from disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology, artificial intelligence, and linguistics and biographies.
- Perseus Digital Library is a digital collection that includes ancient Greek literature, history, art, and archaeology; and Latin and Renaissance literature. It includes a large database of images (coins, vases, sculpture), texts and translations, resources for textual studies, and English word searches of the texts.
- Philosophy Compass
- Philosophy Documentation Center collection
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy includes updates on recent issues of interest to philosophers, new entries and factual updates.
- The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a comprehensive web-based encyclopedia of philosophy terms and concepts from all areas of the discipline, including entries on individual philosophers. Articles are extensive, written by experts in each particular topic, and edited and reviewed by subject editors.