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Theatre Research Guide: Newspaper Resources

This is a general guide to research in the scholarship of the History of Theatre. For a guide to Period Resources (for images and scholarship in material culture) please see: .

Newspaper Resources

  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers

    This database is composed of approximately 500 U.S. newspapers, published between 1800 and 1900. It includes titles from throughout the United States, including many published in what were, at the time, only territories. Use to find play reviews, as well as other connected information (such as history for regional theatres, etc.).

  • New York Times (1851-2005)

    Full-text, PDF. The variety of information spanning more than 150 years found in The New York Times provides resources applicable to the study of the Arts, Business, Communications and Media, Economics, Geography, Government, Health, History, Language Arts, Science, Technology, and more. For theatre reviews do Advanced search, limit to "document type," then choose "reviews," then write name of production (in quotations) on next search line.

  • Times of London

    Full text of TIMES OF LONDON, from its beginning to 1985.