The catalog contains MSU theses and dissertations as well as some select theses and dissertations from other institutions. Formats include print, microform and links to electronic full text (1997-). Please note that there may be a slight processing delay for current items.
Reviewing the literature reviews and research methodology sections of dissertations and theses can be useful when starting a research project, as well as when conducting a comprehensive literature review.
Comprehensive collection of fulltext dissertations and theses since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for earlier periods. Includes MSU dissertations and theses.
This collection contains over 50,000 electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs) written at MSU dating from 1899 to the present. These are freely available without an MSU login.
Some ETDs may be subject to a 6-month or longer embargo period and are unavailable in the digital repository during that period. To request a copy of an embargoed ETD, contact InterLibrary Services (this service available for MSU Students, Faculty and Staff only. Contact your local library if you're not an MSU-affiliated users.)
Consult Finding Dissertations and Theses guide to learn more about finding all types of theses and dissertations.