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U.S. Federal Legislative Information: Committee Prints

Finding bills, laws, congressional debate, voting records, hearings and more

Committee Prints

Committee prints are "issued by congressional committees on topics related to their legislative or research activities....Some basic varieties of committee prints include: draft reports and bills, directories, statistical materials, investigative reports, historical reports, situational studies, confidential staff reports, hearings, and legislative analyses." [Source: GPO Access]

Committee Prints



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Proquest Congressional  

Selected full text 1995-present; index 1830-present


Use the Search by Number function to search for prints associated with a specific bill or law.

As prints were not widely distributed until the late 1970s, earlier committee prints indexed here may need to be acquired using inter-library loan services.

FDSys Committee Prints 




GovDocs 3West on paper and microfiche.


Late 1970s-

Check catalog for holdings.


Current Committee web sites

House committees
Senate committees


Varies; generally last 5 years