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Michigan State University

Broad Scholars Research Guide: Background Information

Industry Resources

Start researching industry reports to get background information, find associated trade organizations,  and find terms related to that industry.  Make a list of terms that you will use to start searching articles indexes. 

Finding Business eBooks

Business Newspaper Resources

Newspapers offer current information about industries, companies, financial information, leaders, and of course many other subjects.

Books and eBooks

Books and eBooks will give you an overview of your topic, introduce you to key subject terms, and provide scholarly material if written by an authoritative source. Instead of reading a book from cover to cover, choose individual chapters relevant to your inquiry. eBooks can be accessed 24/7 electronically.

Finding E-Reference Books and Directories

Finding Reference Sources in the MSU Libraries Catalog

  • To search for reference sources at the MSU Libraries, you will need to use the  Library catalog 
  • Search the 'Business Library' collection for reference sources
  • Typing 'encyclopedia' in the keyword search for a  large collection of reference resources; some of them are electronic.

Head, Gast Business Library

Profile Photo
Laura Leavitt Walesby
MSU Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive, Room E403
East Lansing, MI 48824
Subjects: Business, Law, Psychology