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Michigan State University

Buddhism: Home

This guide provides basic reference sources, periodical indexes, sacred texts, and suggested popular works about Buddhism. Last updated 06-01-2023


This guide provides basic reference sources and suggestions of sacred texts.

Notice the gray tabs across the top, the sections of this guide.  We provide some advice about use of M.S.U. Libraries' online catalog and sample subject headings.  Encyclopedias and dictionaries define terms and discuss topics.  Use them to read up on a topic, find further reading references, and to get ideas for breaking a large topic down into manageable parts, or to broaden a very narrow topic. Basic works will help with this, too.  Use the resources in the Indexes to Periodicals Section to look up scholarly journal articles.  Bibliographies list, and sometimes describe, books and articles to read, taking you beyond M.S.U. Libraries' collection.  You may wish to request items we do not own using Interlibrary ServicesFree web sites offer more to read, from out there on the Internet.