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Thomas Volkening Seed Library at MSU Libraries

The MSU Library Seed Library is a publicly accessible place to pick-up some seeds for vegetable, herb and flower growing.

Seed Library location and access

The MSU Libraries Seed Library has closed for the 2024 season.
Thank you to those who gave the seeds a chance at life.

The Tom Volkening Seed Library sign.    The Tom Volkening Seed Library sign.


The Seed Library is located on the second floor of the Main Library's West wing, along the west side of MakeCentral.

Past Events

What is a seed library?

A seed library is a service that allows members of a community to “borrow” seeds for planting at no cost. Seed libraries provide benefits beyond making seed packets easily and affordably available to patrons.

MSU Library's Seed Library

Map of the location of the Thomas Volkening Seed Library at MSU Libraries in East Lansing, MichiganMSU Library's seed library is a distribution library where students, staff, faculty and community members can have access to interesting varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers that can tolerate Mid-Michigan's weather and growing conditions. We don't accept seeds to be returned after the growing season.

The Thomas Volkening Seed Library at MSU Libraries is a participant in the MI Seed Library Network.