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Michigan State University

Gender in Modern Europe: Contact the Librarians

Originally created to use with a HST 201 course on this subject. Spring semester, 2023. Last updated 05-15-2023

Contact the Librarians

We do not have one librarian who does all of Europe.

Gender studies

Sharon Ladenson, Gender studies and Communications librarian, 517-884-0891

British history/studies; Irish studies; French Studies; Germanic studies; Italian studies; modern Greek studies

Terrie Wilson, Art Librarian and Coordinator of Humanities Collections, 517-884-0862

Iberian studies

Janette Nunez, Latin American/Caribbean studies librarian; 517-884-6379

International Documents

Julia Ezzo, Government Information Librarian, 517-884-6387, International Governmental Organizations: Regional Organizations

Jewish studies

Deborah Margolis, Jewish studies, Muslim studies, Middle East studies, 517-884-0892, Jewish Studies Resources


Eli Landaverde, LGBTQ+ Librarian for Murray Hong Special Collections; 517-884-7668; LGBTQ+ Resources in Special Collections

Slavic and Eastern European studies

Terri Miller; Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning, and Research Engagement, 517-884-6437; Russian and East European Resources a Basic Guide for Research