United States census of agriculture: 1935. Michigan by counties and minor civil divisionsMSU SPECIAL COLL REMOTE: C3.31/4: 1935/Michigan/worksheets.
Table 1. Number of farms, land in farms classified according to use, rented farm land, farm operators by tenure, and part-time work off the farm -- Table 2. Value of farms, farm dwellings, farm population, wheat, oats, barley, rye and mixed grains -- Table 3. Sorghums, hays, cotton, tobacco, Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes -- Table 4. Vegetables harvested for sale, strawberries, sugarcane or sugarbeets, corn and "all other" crops -- Table 5. Horses and mules, cattle, cows milked, sheep, chickens, turkeys, swine, goats, flax and rice -- Table 6. Land in fruit orchards, vineyards and planted nut trees, and specified tree fruits