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Religions of the World: MSU Libraries' Selectors and Religion

This is a guide to researching religions of the world: Western and Eastern Christianity, Eastern religions, Islam, Bahai, New Age Movements, Judaism. Last updated 06-26-2023

MSU Libraries' Selectors and Religion

The various area studies bibliographers have responsibility for the intersection of religion and life, history, politics, society, economics, development, etc. in their areas of the world. You can find their contact information here.  Religious studies, for which Agnes Haigh Widder is responsible, is principally concerned with the various faiths and their associated beliefs and texts. Terrie Wilson, Art librarian, is responsible for visual art, art history, and design.  You can find contact information here for these librarians:

Deborah Margolis, Jewish studies, including Judaism; Middle Eastern Studies, including Islam; Western Asia

Erik Ponder, African studies; African American studies

Janette Nunez, Latin American and Caribbean studies; Iberian studies

Terrie Wilson,  Germanic studies, Italian studies

Steve Sowards, Slavic, East European, Central Asian studies

Xian Wu, Asian studies

Zoe McLaughlin, South and Southeast Asian studies

Laura Thompson,  Music

Terrie Wilson, Art, Art History, Design

Andrea Salazar Macmillan,  Chicano/a/Hispanic studies; Boricua studies

Amanda Tickner, Classical studies, including classical mythology and ancient religions; anthropology

Agnes Haigh Widder, Religious studies, creator of this guide; British history and studies; French studies, except Africa; medieval/Renaissance studies.


Agnes Haigh Widder, Humanities Bibliographer, A.M.L.S., M.A.

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