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Health Data & Statistics Research Guide: Michigan

Michigan Health Statistics

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Stats of the States for Michigan
Look here for FastStats on Michigan and related links.

Kaiser Family Foundation

State Health Facts
Tables available on demographics and the economy, health cost and budgets, health coverage and uninsured, health status, HIV/AIDS, managed care and health insurance, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare, minority health, providers and service use and women's health.  State comparison options available.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Statistics and Reports
This is the homepage of the MIchigan Department of Health and Human Services. You can use the search box in the upper right corner to find statistics on diseases, child abuse, healthcare, and other issues in the state of Michigan

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
Publications, reports and presentations on maternal and child health topics, many with statistical tables.  The MCH Databook provides county profiles from 1996-2009.

Michigan Critical Health Indicators
This 2011 report describes Michigan's health and well-being and establishes a method for monitoring improvement.  The report is organized by 17 specific health topics, and their 42 related measures or indicators.

Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity

Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Recordkeeping & Reporting
Scroll down to find reports on occupational injury and illness data and occupational injury and illness fatalities.

Michigan State University Occupational & Environmental Medicine - Occupational Illness Annual Reports
MSU contracts with MDELEG to handle reports of occupational disease.  Annual reports cover general occupational disease, silicosis, work-related asthma, noise-induced hearing loss, blood lead levels, work related fatalities, asthma deaths, pesticides, heavy metals and amputations.