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Bloomberg User Guide

This is a guide for getting started with our Bloomberg terminal.

Printing & Saving

Bloomberg does not allow downloading of all data. You can save, print, or send as a image by looking at the export dropdown menu for the various options. It is possible to copy and paste individual screens into Excel using ctrl-c (copy) and ctrl-v (paste). However, it will not be pretty. 

How to copy and paste tables from Bloomberg to Excel

  1. Place cursor at the corner of table in Bloomberg.
  2. Click and drag the data you would like to copy.  Bloomberg will copy text/data automatically without Ctrl + C.
  3. In Excel, press Ctrl + C to paste the data.
  4. Click on Data menu from the top in the Excel screen and select "Text to Columns..."
  5. Select "Fixed width-general."

Some tables do allow you to output results to excel (ex. M&A's)

Look at the top of the table for the option.


Press the green PRINT key will print the current page. 

  • When you hit PRINT, you are only printing the current screen shown.
  • If your information spans multiple pages, type the number of pages to print and then hit  PRINT.  For example, if the information you wish to print consists from 5 pages, type 5 and then press PRINT.

Screen Capture

To do a screen capture, type GRAB and hit the green GO key to email a screenshot to yourself.