Bloomberg does not allow downloading of all data. You can save, print, or send as a image by looking at the export dropdown menu for the various options. It is possible to copy and paste individual screens into Excel using ctrl-c (copy) and ctrl-v (paste). However, it will not be pretty.
How to copy and paste tables from Bloomberg to Excel
- Place cursor at the corner of table in Bloomberg.
- Click and drag the data you would like to copy. Bloomberg will copy text/data automatically without Ctrl + C.
- In Excel, press Ctrl + C to paste the data.
- Click on Data menu from the top in the Excel screen and select "Text to Columns..."
- Select "Fixed width-general."
Some tables do allow you to output results to excel (ex. M&A's)
Look at the top of the table for the option.
Press the green PRINT key will print the current page.
- When you hit PRINT, you are only printing the current screen shown.
- If your information spans multiple
pages, type the number of pages to print and then hit PRINT. For example, if the information you wish to print consists from 5 pages, type 5 and then press PRINT.
Screen Capture
To do a screen capture, type GRAB and hit the green GO key to email a screenshot to yourself.